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Continue BJU Math... or switch to CLE?


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Oldest DD has completed BJU Math 1 & 2.  We have been happy with BJU (DD especially likes it), but I'm starting to have those doubting, panicking thoughts...   :001_unsure:


Main reason:

I don't use BJU math as intended.  I don't use the teacher's guide (I think it's awful!).

I preview the lesson, determine the concept being taught & teach it with manipulatives, work through the Guided Practice (front page) with DD, then encourage her to do the Independent Practice (back page).


DD seems quick to catch on to the concepts.  I can't imagine adding MORE practice.  She's not advanced, but she moves along fine in this subject.  But I worry how our teaching style will need to change as we hit more challenging material (I did well in math, but, sadly, I don't remember much).



The panicking, "I'm-not-doing-it-right/enough" thoughts have driven me to CLE's site, perusing the math samples.  I would love for a simpler teacher's guide.  I would love to have DD begin make steps toward independence, especially as we fold younger DD into the mix this year.  


Thoughts?  I'm not interested in ANY OTHER programs -- just comparison b/t BJU and CLE.  Or perhaps hearing from someone who has taught BJU 3-6 -- and can give thoughts on those levels?  (I anticipate moving on to Saxon for HS.)

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If it is working, stick with it. I think the biggest problem with math is jumping between programs a lot. You like it, kid likes it, kid is learning and progressing--why on earth would you change? I have not used BJU in the lower grades, but the high school level texts are very good. I would imagine the elementary grades would be too. 

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CLE is spiral and incremental like saxon.  You'd be changing a mastery program (BJU) that is working for a spiral program with a TON of practice with a dc who you've said specifically does NOT need a lot of practice.


If you're not using the tm and you're not having problems, what are you freaking out about??  The tm is for people who need it.  Not EVERYONE does.  ;)  And if you hit a speed bump and realize you need it, you have it.  You're doing FINE.  Stop letting board talk mess with your head.  The way you do something is only a problem when it's NOT working.  When it's working, be unconventional all you want!  :)

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I wouldn't change until you start feeling out of your depth. You never know -- you may find you surprise yourself.


I *would* look through the upcoming week's lessons over the weekend once it gets more difficult, so that if there's anything you feel a lack of confidence in explaining you have time to research.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just wanted to come back and do an update of sorts....


I continued to have some doubts about BJU -- and concerns about how much DD was actually retaining -- so we picked up CLE Math 2 to work through during the rest of the summer.  At the end, I'll decide if we want to continue with BJU3 or CLE3.


Well, DD -- who has always enjoyed BJU and resisted change -- LOVES CLE.  She said she likes it as much, or more, than BJU.  She's also been making a lot of comments about how she's good at math and likes math.  Perhaps since we've been working at a review level for her (I went back to CLE2 to cover a few new concepts) she's feeling extra confident. :D


Anyway, I have a feeling that we'll continue with CLE to some extent...  But for the moment, the spiral hasn't bothered her at all and the number of pages per lesson have been fine.  (We tried CLE as an early 1st grader and she could NOT handle more than 1-2 pages of work in a sitting.)


Thanks for all the feedback in this thread. :)

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