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Let's Dish on Desks


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I am curious--do you have your own desk/table/workspace that no one else gets to use?  Where is it in your house? 


I love desks...unfortunately my main one from college houses the family computer in the family room and my desk from grade school is kind of small...but at least it's mine!  It's an old schoolmaster's desk and has a lift-up top and holds tons of stuff, but the top is on an angle and doesn't have a ton of surface area.  It is in our front room that we use for school.  I dream of a big desk that holds all my stuff...and an office library...





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I love my desk, but it's usually unusable because it is covered in stuff. I thoroughly clean it off maybe twice a year. It's a nice big desk--I got it from Ethan Allen using a small inheritance from my aunt. It has good light and a comfy chair--I definitely would use it if the in-box wasn't overflowing onto the entire surface!

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I have a very small computer desk - just big enough to hold my laptop, monitor stand with monitor, keyboard and mouse. I actually willingly gave up my big desk when we moved last year. It invited too much clutter and had more than one junk drawer in it. The tiny desk is perfect - I can put a few envelopes with things that need dealt with on top of the laptop and that's about it.


It is located in the room used primarily as a playroom and homeschooling room. We have a very open layout, so that means it is very near and in line of sight to everything except the bedrooms.

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My desk is where ever my laptop is.  


I handle all mail as it comes in and clip it to the fridge if I need to hold on to it for a while.  I keep medical files (the only papers I really save) in the bookcase. I have a pencil box with basic office supplies in the cleaning pantry (right next to fridge in kitchen).   That is about it.  



Dh works from home and has a desk set up from IKEA in our back living room.  


The older kids both have IKEA desks as well.  

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I have a big stand up desk at my office. It's awesome. I think it must have been a drafting table in its youth, it's huge, heavy , old and not pretty. I put a bar stool on the far side of it for those who like to come into my office and chat. It has been nice for many reasons: I stand all day and am not as exhausted in the afternoon, sitting wears me out. No one other than me likes to stand so no one uses my desk for anything. No one like to sit on the other side of it so distractions are kept at a minimum.

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I have a few work spaces...a fall front slant desk up in my office, a pub table off the kitchen that holds a laptop, and a repurposed dining table down in the school room.  I'd love to spend more time in my office, but reality is that I often find a few minutes to work while cooking a meal, and my workspace in the schoolroom often has another child working with me at it. 


I hope in a few years, as my kids get older, that my office will be in regular use.

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I have an entire home office, but since I've been doing less programming/business work and more homeschool work, it has become the dumping ground for whatever stuff doesn't have another place to be around the house. I do still pay bills and do the occasional odd job for our business in there, but it's a mess. I love the desk & other furniture, though (especially the hideaway workspace I use to hold my printer & network equipment) -- Ikea, nothing fancy, but it all matches & functions well, and there is a whole wall of bookshelves.


I have another desk out in what's becoming our new school area; once I clear it off, I will move my computer out here and make it my primary base of operations. My office will become a shared home office / guest room and probably a new home for the nascent recording studio my husband has going in our bedroom.


When I was growing up, we called my father's study the "no-no room" :D

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