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Is there something like Curly Girl for us straight/barely a wave ladies who deal with frizz/dry hair?

Scrub Jay

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I have tried going no-poo, washing every 2-4 days, etc.... up to a month at a time.  Nothing works.  And, as I age, my hair seems to be getting dryer/frizzier.


I have barely a wave in my hair that disappears if I blow dry.  My hair is flat if I let it air dry. 


I am clueless on what to do with it.

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I don't have straight hair, but mine is fine, dry and frizzy.


I do a hot oil treatment once a week, which really helps. Mix all the good oils - jojoba, almond, avocado, argan - with a few drops of rosemary essential oil. Warm the mix and apply on your scalp and coat each strand with it. Then wet a terry towel, heat it in the microwave for a minute and wrap it around your hair for 15 mins. Re-heat and rewrap, then shampoo and condition.


After my hair is partially air dry, I blow dry it upside down for volume.

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I have fine, straight, flat hair. It is still pretty thick, so that helps the flatness but only a bit. Like you, mine gets dry/frizzy now that I am getting older. It just has an awful texture that makes it stick up in places it shouldn't. The only thing I have found to help is regular coloring. The color coats it and makes it smooth and shiny again.

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Kathleen, I feel your pain.    Nothing I've tried works. 


My peers tell me that a Brazilian Blowout or um.....I think it's called a keratin treatment or something like that is the way to go and they have fabulous, straight, shiny, swingy hair.   


Have you seen the price though? (~300 where I live)  No freaking way.

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ETA: Diet also helps. Add flax seed, fatty fish, eggs, and other foods rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids. Also, foods rich in biotin.


If you want to get really high-tech about it, consider taking a supplement. :)


Adding good fats makes a huge difference. Olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados.

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I have really curly hair, but for taming frizz I always recommend using a t-shirt or microfiber cloth instead of a terry cloth towel. The terry cloth ruffles the hair follicle & causes frizz. I've also noticed that my hair tends to be frizzy on days I wash it, so I shampoo, rinse, rinse with apple cider vinegar mixed with water, and then condition & rinse (I leave a good bit of conditioner in, but I wouldn't recommend that for fine or straight hair).

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You might also have a look at the Long Hair Community forum for more ideas.  (Even if your hair isn't long.)


Seven years ago my hair was fine, brittle, and thinning badly.  The ends weren't split, but the hairs were dry and bent at odd angles making them look like split ends and they stuck out randomly and looked dreadful.  It was so bad that wearing my hair up was the only option, because nothing I did to my hair helped.  Since my hair is extremely fine, the oil treatment just weighed it down.



About seven years ago I went no-poo,  I have taken biotin for my diabetes for about five years, and I get lots of healthy fats since controlling my diabetes requires me to stay very low carb...and they have all helped.  My hair will never again be the smooth, shiny hair of youth, but it looks good enough that I can wear it down again.  It is shiny and soft looking now even though it is predominantly silver.


I hope that helps.


I find that using a conditioner on the ends has helped, so I do that when I plan to wear my hair down or when the ends start to look ratty again.

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