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8/21 Exercise

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Well I am brave and will try to start this thread today.

I biked 16 miles this morning. It took me 90 minutes. The first 12 miles I did in about an hours, the last three were very slow. About my bike it is a boardwalk bike, meaning it is for riding on the boardwalk at a calm pace. Needless to say doing 12 miles on this tank in a hour is interesting. :lol:

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Good job, Karen! I wanna come live down there with you. To live in any beach town is my ultimate dream!


My day so far:


Take Em to carpool for farm (riding lessons)

Make bed

Hang new shower curtain liner in kids' bathroom

sort laundry

wash 2 loads laundry

run dishwasher

dump dead leftovers from fridge

clean inside fridge w/spic & span

empty utensil drawer and clean

empty dishwasher & fill it back up with leftover containers from cleaning out fridge

run dishwasher again


I just sat down to have a cuppa. I have to plan my elections class for co-op today. I think I'll either run or walk this afternoon. It's a gorgeous day, and it was downright cool this morning, but my calf is still bothering me, and my knee is sore to the touch. I may just walk 2 miles (maybe 3) with a little jogging thrown in there. Trying to not hurt myself even more :(

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Well I am brave and will try to start this thread today.

I biked 16 miles this morning. It took me 90 minutes. The first 12 miles I did in about an hours, the last three were very slow. About my bike it is a boardwalk bike, meaning it is for riding on the boardwalk at a calm pace. Needless to say doing 12 miles on this tank in a hour is interesting. :lol:



Good job!


Where is everyone else? This thread was so buried I almost didn't see it...


I rested yesterday, but got up this a.m. at 5:30 and did 2 miles of walk/run. It seemed easier....so maybe I am slowly building endurance.

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And I will do my 20 minute stretching/strengthening core program this afternoon.


I ran 8 km last night so walking was the best answer this morning.


I'm heading on vacation Saturday morning so this will be my last check in for a couple of weeks (although I fully intend to exercise on vacation . . . hopefully).

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Good job, Karen! I wanna come live down there with you. To live in any beach town is my ultimate dream!


My day so far:


Take Em to carpool for farm (riding lessons)

Make bed

Hang new shower curtain liner in kids' bathroom

sort laundry

wash 2 loads laundry

run dishwasher

dump dead leftovers from fridge

clean inside fridge w/spic & span

empty utensil drawer and clean

empty dishwasher & fill it back up with leftover containers from cleaning out fridge

run dishwasher again


I just sat down to have a cuppa. I have to plan my elections class for co-op today. I think I'll either run or walk this afternoon. It's a gorgeous day, and it was downright cool this morning, but my calf is still bothering me, and my knee is sore to the touch. I may just walk 2 miles (maybe 3) with a little jogging thrown in there. Trying to not hurt myself even more :(

Wow it sounds like you have had a busy day. Take it easy with those injuries.

Yep beach living is great. OK now for the funny part....I never go to the beach. This is mainly due to my eye problem. My tear glands don't make tears because I have an auto immune disease called Sjogrens. It can be a real pain some days. When I ride the bike every mile and a half or so I have to slow down to put drops in. I have gotten pretty good at putting drops in my eyes on the fly. Basically I don't let anything get me down. I really wasn't much of a beach goer before. We do go up to the boardwalk often, usually on calm evenings. We also have a pool in our community that I go to. We have wonderful neighbors and friends take often take our son to the beach. Our son loves the beach so I am glad he gets to go. I lived in Hawaii for 3 years(this was before I had Sjogren's) and probably went to the beach less than 20 times. One of my favoirte things about living close to the beach is smelling the salt air. You can smell it as soon as you walk outside. When we have big storms you can even hear the ocean from our house.

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Did 3 miles. I know what Colleen needs to do to slow down her pace. Get up really early after not getting enough sleep and run.


I hardly ever sleep (typically 3 or 4 hours a night) but on the very rare occasion I take a full 8 hours, I feel so sluggish the next day. Go figure!


Today's a break day for me, so no running. I should do some toning stuff, but I won't. I have loads of paperwork before me and will work on that until such time as I can either a) have a Mike's, b) eat ice cream, or c) both.;)

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All is going well here. I switched one of my leg exercises because I have achieved my goal in one area for now and want to work on another. I also dropped another pound last night. I am probably 10 pounds or so from the point where the numbers on the scale won't matter. I am more interested in being firm and toned than just being thin. I know muscle weighs more than fat so I don't really know what my goal weight should be.


I do look pretty good now, but I hate this baggy three-baby-belly. *sigh* All I can do is keep up with the crunches, right? I am hoping next summer can be the "bikini year". ;)

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I don't know if I need to like...sign up or something but I jsut started excercising and did the Turbo Jam Learn and Burn today! It was only 20 minutes but it's a start.

Wonderful and that is a great start!

No registration needed. Just join us each day to post your workout for the day. I can't tell you how much these thread have helped to keep me motivated. I already did a 90 minute bike ride today and I am planning to walk 3-5 miles tonight. The wonderful weather is helping too.

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Wonderful and that is a great start!

No registration needed. Just join us each day to post your workout for the day. I can't tell you how much these thread have helped to keep me motivated. I already did a 90 minute bike ride today and I am planning to walk 3-5 miles tonight. The wonderful weather is helping too.


Wow! Good for you! I hope to work up to much more then 20 minutes. :001_smile:

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I am up to running for 5 minutes and walking for 2 1/2 minutes. It was a little harder today, but that's because I didn't sleep well last night.


I also scrubbed down my bathroom after I ran. It was so disgusting that I couldn't stand it. :D


My early morning cleaning has us a bit behind our morning schedule, but I don't think it will be too bad.

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