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I need your best remedy for a stiff neck from sleeping


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DD is 8 and woke this morning with her neck hurting.  No fever, illness etc so I believe it's stiff neck from sleeping.  She does not take pain well and is afraid to move at all.  So getting her to slowly  start moving has not been easy.    What have you used that works? TIA

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Take a long athletic sock, fill with uncooked rice of any kind.  Tie a knot in the end.  Microwave it for about 1-1/2 minutes.  It will be hot.  Drape around her neck.  You can repeat/reuse the sock for six months or so.

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short of my chiro - stretches.


head bend down to shoulder on each side - count to 20. 

head turned to look over shoulder on each side - count to 20

neck circles both directions.


you can also google yoga and stiff neck.

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one of these



My neck and shoulders used to be constantly extremely stiff, and one night sleeping wrong would take days to recover.  

With that, I am not tense anymore.  I used to travel for work and now I have about 10 because I'd buy another if I forgot mine.  

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Agree with all that has been posted, but will also say I take a double dose of motrin (w/ food) and a shower as hot as I can stand with the shower set on the setting that hits you super hard--not sure what you call it.  Anyway, that seems to help a lot.  And then I am very careful how I sleep that night.

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For future reference, make sure she is using only a single pillow, kept flat if it's the fiber-fill kind.  For some reason, a mooshy feather pillow doesn't cause the same pain, at least for me.  Also make sure she isn't using a stuffed animal as a pillow.



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First thing, I would massage some lavender oil on her neck. If that didn't work, then I'd give her some ibuprofen and some heat therapy (hot rice sock, heating pad, hot shower, or whatever was convenient) until she felt better.

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