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I am now a graduate student!

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In a strange turn of events today, I am now officially enrolled in a graduate program in English literature!


I had applied to this school 6 weeks ago, and it appears they dillied and dallied around with my application. I finally got a letter in the mail yesterday, stating that my admission was denied because I needed to complete the necessary undergraduate coursework. Previously, the head of the English dept. had told me I could be admitted on a provisional basis. So, it was a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.


At any rate, I called someone yesterday to inquire, and the head of the English dept. called up the dean of graduate studies and worked out my provisional admission! I didn't even ask her to do this!


This is still not my #1 school, which is actually up in St. Louis. #1 and #2 schools, both in STL, have classics programs and Latin, which I would dearly love to continue to pursue. However, school #3 is still pretty decent, and logistically it's much closer to where our girls will be attending school. Their school is 30 min. away from us, and school #3 is 45 minutes away from that! Schools #1 and #2, in STL, would be another 1 hour and 15 minutes away from where I have to drop my girls off to school! So, for the time being, this is really the most practical choice.


I'm still going to think up some ways to pursue Latin and further classical studies on my own.


At any rate, I just had to share the good news! :party:

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In a strange turn of events today, I am now officially enrolled in a graduate program in English literature!


I had applied to this school 6 weeks ago, and it appears they dillied and dallied around with my application. I finally got a letter in the mail yesterday, stating that my admission was denied because I needed to complete the necessary undergraduate coursework. Previously, the head of the English dept. had told me I could be admitted on a provisional basis. So, it was a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.


At any rate, I called someone yesterday to inquire, and the head of the English dept. called up the dean of graduate studies and worked out my provisional admission! I didn't even ask her to do this!


This is still not my #1 school, which is actually up in St. Louis. #1 and #2 schools, both in STL, have classics programs and Latin, which I would dearly love to continue to pursue. However, school #3 is still pretty decent, and logistically it's much closer to where our girls will be attending school. Their school is 30 min. away from us, and school #3 is 45 minutes away from that! Schools #1 and #2, in STL, would be another 1 hour and 15 minutes away from where I have to drop my girls off to school! So, for the time being, this is really the most practical choice.


I'm still going to think up some ways to pursue Latin and further classical studies on my own.


At any rate, I just had to share the good news! :party:


Congratulations MSN-Emoticon-school-197.gif!

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on Monday the 25th; I'm supposed to talk to my advisor (who doesn't know she's my advisor yet!) tomorrow or Friday, find out what classes I need to take, and then begin on Monday. If I understand the program correctly, I still need to do the undergraduate coursework, too (24 credits), but if I take all of those credits at the 500 level, it counts towards the graduate degree. Kind of "double dipping". I need to check with the advisor, first, to make sure I understood this correctly.


Still wish I could be in one of my two favorite schools in St. Louis. However, logistically this makes so much more sense; otherwise I'd really be traveling in completely different directions. Someday, though, I do want that additional coursework in Latin. I hope to see something happen in our area with classical education.


Today has been a whirlwind; my dd's started school today, too!


Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers!

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