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I have a gifted child...

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She's only 13 months old, but throws tantrums that would put any two-year-old to shame.


Where can I find an application to Harvard?


Seriously, this one is trying my patience! The other two were (and are) EASY children, not from my doing, but they were just born that way. This one slept for the first week, but once she woke up - KAPOWIE!


It's a good thing she is cute and funny and charming or I might just velcro her to the wall. :D


Any suggestions?

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She's only 13 months old, but throws tantrums that would put any two-year-old to shame.


Where can I find an application to Harvard?


Seriously, this one is trying my patience! The other two were (and are) EASY children, not from my doing, but they were just born that way. This one slept for the first week, but once she woke up - KAPOWIE!


It's a good thing she is cute and funny and charming or I might just velcro her to the wall. :D


Any suggestions?


Velcro her anyway. Better yet, use duct tape. Takes them longer to get free that way.

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The first one was a dream baby. Never hollered, slept great, was perfectly happy nearly every moment of every day. . .


I thought #2 was trickier as he was a bit more demanding and wanted more action. I thought he was hard (ha!!) until. . .


I had #3. She was about 10 times harder that 1 and 2. Triplet #1s or #2s would have been a breeze in comparison. All the great attachment parenting approaches that made #1&2 so easy just didn't satisfy. I tried so many things and no matter what I tried, I failed to make her happy. She just came out hollering (literally) and kept it up for 26 months with a rare (brief!) respite when she took her few and far between and much interrupted and very fragile naps.


I don't know how we survived! Even my mom and my aunt, who both readily babysat either of the older kids anytime refused to babysit her b/c she just hollered all the time and it fried thier nerves too badly. It was awful!!


However, around 26 months exactly, she grew out of it. She's been a great kid ever since. She's still human and a child of course, but the last 3 1/2 years have been a cake walk.


I hope yours grows out of it like my devil did!


The only advice I can offer is to keep trying new approaches, even those maybe you didn't try with your older dc. In retrospect, I think I really should have tried a strict scheduling approach with #3 b/c (it was the one thing I never gave a real try) and it surely couldn't have made it any worse and who knows, maybe it would have helped. . .




My #3 gave me the gift of humility. My 3rd natural birth and it was excruciating . . . and if I am blessed with a 4th I'll seriously consider being a hospital where drugs are an option even though I loved my homebirths overall -- but I don't know if I could face that agony of a replay of that birth w/o drugs. . . I think I had post-traumatic stress for *years* afterward. Then likewise, raising her was so out of my element that my years of "knowing it all" (even if I did *try* to be humble) were over. Now and forever it is so easy for me to give grace and support to moms who are struggling. . . b/c I know there are sometimes no easy tricks for every baby!


I can see no other purpose in that experience and I hope that silver lining continues to serve me well.


(((((((((())))))))))) Hang in there and buy some good earplugs!!!!

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Funny thing is that my dd has never been an easy child and she did turn out to be gifted. Apparently lots of kids like her are not easy kids. I seriously doubt dd will be going to Harvard, though. I have heard that is not an ideal place for a lot of gifted kids anyway.


My dd never slept, or at least it seemed that way to me. When she was that age and would do the tantrum thing, I would stomp my foot and say whatever she said just as she said it and we would both laugh. She has always been the little girl with the little curl right in the middle of her forehead (literally). Humor has always worked much better than my trying to battle brute force against brute force.


And as she's gotten older, she has not gotten easier. The expression of her strong willed nature has just evolved and changed over time.


Hang in there!

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lol... Ds was a gifted tantrummer as well! At eleven months, he would get so angry he would bang his head repeatedly into the wall or floor. I'd move him somewhere relatively safe (carpeted floor instead of the wall, etc) and stare in bewilderment thinking, "Eleven month olds don't do this!" I tried consoling him. Tried walking away. Tried leaving him in his room with the door shut to scream it out. Listened to my neighbor tell me how incompetent I was as a mother. (When her dd finally started throwing monster fits two years later and ds had mellowed, she apologized, lol.)


Anyway, ds really is a *very* easy kid now. Has been since he was about four. In his case, identifying his food allergies seemed to be a big part of it, but I don't necessarily think that's an issue for your dd.


I just wanted to offer hope. We moved here when ds was five, and only one friend here even *believes* me that he spent his toddlerhood like that. (She saw one tantrum once that clued her in, lol.) My other friends think I'm making it up. ;) Really, he's easy, sweet, eager to please, hard-working, focused... He's a good kid! But when I think back to ages 1-3? Even now I shudder and want to hide! And I was frequently a pretty awful mom too. :( Just so stressed and worn-out... He seems to have forgiven me though.


Anyway, I wanted to let you know it might not mean she'll be horrid forever. ;)

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I always thought that was MY line!!! She's gifted - she was one but acted like a terrible two!!~!


Now that's she's two she IS doing things I would not have imagined possible (taught herself the alphabet and is sounding out words).... so maybe, just maybe, we need to make a support group for these "precocious" and strong willed kidlets!


(If I can just find the time between cleaning up all the messes she insists on being able to make...)

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Thanks for the commisseration and shared experiences (I think? :001_huh:). She took a nap in her stroller on the front porch and we're both much better now. At least until dinner time or bedtime or whatever the next bee in her bonnet is. It's good she's the third because I have some appreciation of how fast these years go by and I know better than to wish them away...most of the time.


I appreciate the encouragement so much!

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