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If you do backpacking camping...


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What do you do about personal hygiene? I have car camped many times, but my dh wants us to go backpacking. We have ultralight gear (dh loves to buy gear), so I am not worried about the hike, but I am pretty freaked out about not having a bathroom for five nights. I always have to pee in the middle of the night, so dh bought me a "go girl" funnel to use with a gatorade bottle. He recommended that I practice with this at home. I have not yet tried this. Any tips??? I also love my hot showers. I can skip one day, but I have never even tried skipping more than one. How do you stay clean? And I don't even want to think about how gross my hair will be in five days :(


Please advise on how you handle personal hygiene. I need all the tips I can get!

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We did some multi-day backcountry hiking in AZ and sometimes there was opportunity for river bathing, but otherwise you pretty much just embrace the dirt. One of the best parts was always the first hot shower when you got back. That and the all-you-can-eat buffet at Sizzler. :) The worst trip I had was when the stress from the hike brought my time of the month earlier than expected. Ugh. Depending on your situation, you might want to be prepared.


Erica in OR

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You won't stay clean - so it's no use agonizing about it. Get used to being dirty. I am not joking; I found that getting used to it is key.


Cleaning strategic body areas with wet wipes makes you feel cleaner overall.

Cold water in your face too.

Use opportunities for bathing in creeks (no soap!) - even hair washing with cold clear water is better than not washing hair at all

Limit evening fluids if you want to avoid the trip to the woods


If you can, schedule your hike so you don't have to deal with periods. If that is not possible, take more wet wipes. You might want to avoid backpacking in (added for clarity: GRIZZLY) bear country during this time because of smells.

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Ummm. I have never bathed in a river. What do I need to know? Can I use soap? What would be environmentally friendly?


No soap. I would not even use soap that claims to be biodegradable.

Otherwise, nothing special. Be aware of currents, don't dive. But oh, it feels soooo good to immerse yourself in a stream after a day of hiking. Even my cold-water-hating DH will do it ;-)


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I use soap bought from rei that is environmentally friendly. I always have to pee in the middle of the night too. Never tried a funnel but would certainly give it a try. I use to wake my dh up and make him hold the flashlight for me so I could make sure I wasn't peeing on an insect nest or something weird but I have become braver.

Really though, just expect to be dirty. Use wet wipes, wear a hat, and enjoy that hot shower when you get back.

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Peeing in the woods is easy. Squat. Pee. Why would you carry a funnel and Gatorade bottle? Would you carry those things in a back pack? That just seems so gross and more complicated that it has to be. It's really a simple thing. Just pee in a spot where it's not going to run down into your boots, lol.


For pooping, we used to find a spot not near camp or water sources, poop, use biodegradeable paper, bury. Purists pack the paper out with them in a securely sealed bag.


Many women use BCP to control the timing of their cycles. Otherwise, pack and carry, or use one of those cup things.

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I used to carry a collapsible water container to use for gathering water from a stream or pond to carry well away from the water source to bathe. I never used soap or shampoo within a certain distance of water...25-50 ft? But far enough away, it is fine since there will be plenty of soil and plant matter to filter it.


I've backpacked in black bear territory during my period...but I would never do so in grizzly territory. Of course, I'm a big chicken and wouldn't even hike in grizz territory!


Enjoy your trip!

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the funnel and the bottle thing - no, just no.  And then you'd put it in your pack??   Eeeww.  


cold water baths (or splashes!) are better than no baths.   A washcloth soaked in hot water from your stove can be heaven!


If your hair is long enough a braid is your best bet.    A bandanna and/or a hat is helpful - cover it and contain it!!   :-)


Embrace the dirt - everyone around you will be at least as dirty as you are!! 


Have a great time!



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I've never used the funnel.. I just squat in the woods.   I did go backpacking once during that time of month.  Take some brown bags (like lunch sacks) and put your feminine hygiene stuff in there... you'll have to pack it out.   Take a trowel - like a gardening trowel, for #2 to dig a little hole and fill it back up again.  Honestly, it's really not as bad as it sounds.  It just what needs to be done.


However, I hate to be sweaty.  I esp. hate to go to sleep sweaty (and it's not really good if you're backpacking in colder regions).  What I do at the end of the day once it's dark... take some water and warm it up and give myself a sponge bath using a hand towel.  For me it makes all the difference in the world.

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its only five nights.


it will be fine.


one of our rituals is braiding hair each morning.


some of us pack in bathing suits for modesty while swimming, others of us don't.  


we do pack in toothbrushes and floss.

we don't pack in soap other than biodegradable dish soap.

we pack in pads, toilet paper, and lots of large ziploc baggies.  (clean paper goes in one, dirty paper goes in another....)


the bottle and funnel thing works for high altitude mountaineering when you can't go outside your tent.... i am thinking you're not doing that this time ;)


it is a different world, and its rules and possibilities are different.  i think you'll have the most fun if you embrace it as something unique.  ie.  its not a different form of car camping, it is its own thing.


have fun!


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You just get dirty. It will be fine. In my area, all the water is glacial, so I've never done the swim-to-get-clean thing.


Will you have outhouses, or just going wild?


If definitely just go out of the tent to pee on the ground in the night, even without an outhouse. Who wants to play with urine kneeling in your bed a tent in the dark? You would probably pee on the sleeping bag at least a little. Pick a spot before dark.


Our family heated the water for supper then ladeled some out into a bowl for washing up before eating -- with bio soap.

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