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Osgood-Schlatters relief?


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I've heard of so many kids with Osgood Schlatters over the past couple of years. Are there any braces she can wear on her knees that help? A boy on my kids' basketball team wore some compression braces on his knees. Also, he taped his knees before games (look up KT Tape- I'd give that a try). Sorry I don't have more advice. I hope your dd can find some relief.

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They stuck my dad in a full-leg cast for 6 months in the 50s when he was diagnosed with OSD.  I'm glad they don't do that anymore. A brace helped my sister feel quite a bit better when her pain was bad. Good luck!  It can be surprisingly painful.

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My daughter wear these on both knees.



Some surfaces, like a hard wood floor, hurt her knees more than others.  These straps work better for her than the KT Tape.  Everybody is different, and you may have to try some different things to see what works best. 



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My daughter used KT tape and it helped a bit.  Her physic said KT was a gimmick, but it gave her some relief.  He refused to recommend a band/brace, and said only to rest and ice and stretch.  Not running was the best for it, but as a lacrosse player, that was pretty much impossible.  Once the season was over, it healed.  Now she can feel it when she runs in PE class, but it doesn't really hurt. 


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They stuck my dad in a full-leg cast for 6 months in the 50s when he was diagnosed with OSD.  I'm glad they don't do that anymore.


I had the full-leg cast for 3 months in the 70's.  It was terrible.  I'm also glad that they don't do that anymore.


OP, I hope your daughter feels better soon.

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Didn't read all of the posts so you may have gotten this already.... my 13 year old wears patella support bands when he skates. They are thin neoprene bands with a rubber 'bumper' that presses on the tendon at juncture of the tibia and fibula, right under the knee cap. It provides counter-pressure to the tendon pulling on the bone which is what, in part, cause the pain from O-S.  You can get them at Sports Authority or the like.   Like this   Ours aren't exactly like this, but similar.


Edit to add: This was approved by doctor, PT, and skate coach along with rest, ice, ibuprofen, etc.. And, most importantly, it has provided some relief from the pain.

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They stuck my dad in a full-leg cast for 6 months in the 50s when he was diagnosed with OSD.  I'm glad they don't do that anymore. A brace helped my sister feel quite a bit better when her pain was bad. Good luck!  It can be surprisingly painful.


My dd was in a full leg cast for about 6 weeks a few summers ago for this - can't imagine 6 months! It did seem to help by giving her leg a rest as she was constantly in pain. Now she has a brace and mostly rest and ibuprofen seem to help.

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