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Nutrition tracking websites?


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Does anyone have a favorite website for tracking their diet? I have seen a couple that just measured calories.  I would like more info-fat, protein, carbs, and micronutrients would be great.  My diet is not very good right now for health reasons.  I can barely eat because of severe stomach pain.  So I'm trying to see how I'm doing. And while I am trying to lose weight (unrelated to my eating! I'm not anorexic!), it's not my main focus, so just counting calories does me little good.  :)

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My Fitness Pal has a great database--pretty much any food I eat is already in there. I used to use Fit Day and it seemed like I had to enter nutritional information for much of what I ate. I also like that I can customize what tracking is highlighted in MFP. It defaulted to show how much sugar I was eating but it was pretty useless because it doesn't separate out natural sugars from added sugars. I switched it to show fiber instead of sugar because one of my goals is to eat at least 25 gm fiber. I use MFP just for tracking food. If I enter exercise data, it changes my calorie goal for the day and I prefer to be pretty constant on calorie count whether I have a running day, a walking day, or a rest day. I was able to put in my own calorie goal--one that I know works for me. I'm happy with it--just need to be a little more consistent in using it!

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Thanks, everyone!  I'll try a few out.  I really wish I had something to calculate up things like the vitamins.  I think one of these will work for now, though. 


The Nutrition Data website I linked will calculate vitamins, minerals, fiber, percentage of fat/carb/protein, how much of the different kinds of fats, and whether your diet is pro inflammatory or not. I haven't used it in awhile but I'm pretty sure it still does all that. You can also enter the foods you eat regularly and later easily pop them in to get analyzed.

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I use MyNetDiary. I love,love,love it! It's so easy to use, and can track anything you want to. I don't track many vitamins, but I think you can set it up to do more. I've learned that accountability is key for me in losing AND maintaining my weight (and keeping me away from the siren song of peanut butter cookies...)!

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I enjoy using SuperTracker. It is from the US Department of Agriculture.

It provides a thorough dietary analysis and the opportunity to keep track of your activity level.

Under the tab labelled "My Reports" you will find a comprehensive analysis (vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, etc).

I think the daily caloric intake allowance is a little generous but other than that, this site has been very helpful in keeping me accountable!

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