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Why do daily calendar time?

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Why does our curriculum recommend doing calendar time every day?

Dd (almost 6) knows the days of the week and the months of the year and the seasons.  She can easily answer questions like, "Today is Wednesday.  What day will tomorrow be?  What day was it yesterday?".  I do see value in pulling out a calendar once a week or so and pointing out upcoming events and activities.

So, if we don't do daily calendar time, will we be missing anything?



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Millions of children in the world have learned to understand calendars and all that without once having had "calendar time." :-)


In our family, children receive cute wall calendars each year for Christmas. They see me marking my own calendars and want to do the same thing. So I let them. :-)

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I have a six year old Dd, and the only reason we do calendar time is for Ds's benefit (he's four).  I don't think he'll even need it next year.  It's kind of a pain and we skip it a lot lately already.  But in the beginning of the year, I believe it really helped him understand the whole yesterday, today, tomorrow concept.

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My kids, this year, are enjoying the use of a calendar notebook though. They just sit down, mark the number of school day (first to 100, now to 180). Ds8 is still practicing tallies so he marks that. They fill in the day(s) on their calendar, and graph the weather. We've done weather things, including type of weather in a bar graph, temperature plotting, and measuring rainfall and wind direction. I just change it based on what ds8 could stand to practice/learn. He enjoys it pretty well. I will add that he still struggles with time concepts, and is working on that with his SLP person as well. Dd4 will do anything big bro does, so she's fully on board! If it was a fight or a drag we wouldn't do it.

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I do calendar awareness with my kids because most of them don't know (all of) their days of the week (in order) by the age of 6. I'm not super strict about it because when I did it (it seemed like) every day with dd#2 for two years, it didn't seem to really stick. I think she was 8 yrs old when she looked at me one day & asked, "What do those little squares on the calendar mean?"  :confused1:  :scared:  :eek:  :blink:


But I admit to having my kids chant the days of the week (because ds#1 always forgets Sunday or Monday, depending on which one he starts with & dd#3 sometimes leaves off Thursday completely), months of the year (how can you leave out your birth month,  :banghead:  seriously?), and other such daily know-ables. It also helps when my kids ask, "When's Thursday?" or "When's May?" We can talk about what day / month it currently is & go through our chant. 


Don't even get me started on when I ask what month it is & someone answers, "Tuesday!"  :P

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If they already know it skip it. My ds 5 knows the days of the week and the date.  He doesn't know all the months yet but is learning them by reading chicken soup with rice and listening to the song. No reason to waste time with calendar time.

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I have a Spanish calendar because we get to practice days, months, #s, and weather in Spanish. But even that is maybe once a week and typically when my DD (4) shows interest. She's got all the concepts down, so it's really just about learning the Spanish words. She enjoys changing out the dates when a new month rolls around and the weather, especially if something interesting is happening (snow, windy). We should really be graphing the weather instead...that would be much more fun and interesting!

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I know some people with multiple kids do calendar time at the start of the day as a family. Kids often do the days of the week, months or the years, mark off a day of school, and doing weather and money. And then they get to discuss daily plans.

But for many families it is a way to meet in the morning and do devotional, bible studies, scripture memory work etc.


We don't do calendar time. But I think if I had several children I would.

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I have a Spanish calendar because we get to practice days, months, #s, and weather in Spanish. But even that is maybe once a week and typically when my DD (4) shows interest. She's got all the concepts down, so it's really just about learning the Spanish words. She enjoys changing out the dates when a new month rolls around and the weather, especially if something interesting is happening (snow, windy). We should really be graphing the weather instead...that would be much more fun and interesting!

Love the idea of doing it in Spanish! My kiddo would really love that:)


We do 'calendar time' daily but it is really a catch-all for all sorts of memory work, discussion of current events, upcoming holidays, etc., which is the only reason it has survived. Dd has a board she fills out with date, time, vocabulary word of the day, idiom of the day, and Spanish phrase of the day from a kids phrase book. And a BrainPop video...

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We do. It takes about 90 seconds for us.  When you don't leave the house every day, it can be easy to lose track of days.  For us, calendar time not only reinforces understanding of the calendar, but helps us keep track of where we are in time.

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