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I'm going crazy!!!!!!!

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Am I the only one who has a 4 year old that loves to make noise. He loves to immitate dinosaurs so all day long I have to hear "Arghhhhhhh ..... shliiiiii ...... grrrrrrr". And then he tries to scare the 2 year old and the 2 year old is a screamer. Its like this all day long. The noise is like a nail through my skull. I wanna run screaming sometimes!!!

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The noise is bad, but the scaring is bullying. Or at least it became so at our house. I had to make some really strict rules against deliberately scaring younger brother, with the most fiendish, drastic punishment possible for violations: loss of computer game time!!!! :D


You can also institute Quiet Time, with no noise allowed for a hour or so in the afternoon, to allow your blood pressure to re-set.


Can your boys play outdoors more? It's very calming to pull apart leaves and dig in the dirt.

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I have a singer (dd5). Sometimes it is cute and other times I have heard enough of her singing to last me a very long time. She loves to make up songs and then sing them for us as a family. Her songs can last 15min or longer! I think this has to be comparable to the dinosaur noises.

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I have a singer (dd5). Sometimes it is cute and other times I have heard enough of her singing to last me a very long time. She loves to make up songs and then sing them for us as a family. Her songs can last 15min or longer! I think this has to be comparable to the dinosaur noises.


I must have laughed for at least 15 mins when I read this :smilielol5:

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I have a singer (dd5). Sometimes it is cute and other times I have heard enough of her singing to last me a very long time. She loves to make up songs and then sing them for us as a family. Her songs can last 15min or longer!


My 5yo is a singer, too. And she like to sing at max volume. My 7yo is the one who roars like an animal all day. She tends towards lions and dogs rather than dinosaurs, but it's still a lot of fierce growling.


And sometimes (perhaps a sign of her getting older) she does "commercials." Commercials are basically a NEVER-ENDING monologue about something she thinks is worth buying. It doesn't matter what the item is, she'll sell it to you. FOREVER. AND EVER. (I'm trying to teach her that commercials are only supposed to last for one minute, but so far, it's not sinking in.)


And halfway through the never-ending commercial, her sister will holler: HEY!!!!!!!! STOP DOING THE COMMERCIAL!!!!!!!! IT'S TIME FOR MY SONG!!!!!


And I'm all like: Where'd I leave my ever-lovin' I-Pod?



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Am I the only one who has a 4 year old that loves to make noise. He loves to immitate dinosaurs so all day long I have to hear "Arghhhhhhh ..... shliiiiii ...... grrrrrrr". And then he tries to scare the 2 year old and the 2 year old is a screamer. Its like this all day long. The noise is like a nail through my skull. I wanna run screaming sometimes!!!


Here is a common conversation around here:


Ds4: (making various annoying noises)

Me: Ds4, keep the noises in your head.

Ds4: Yes Ma'am.

A nano-second of quiet, then the noises resume.

Me: Ds4..

Ds4: Keep the noises in my head, Mom, right?

Me: Yes, please keep the noises in your head.

Ds4: Okay, Mom.

Resumes with the noises.

Me: Ds4!

Ds4: Ma'am?

Me: Keep the noises in your head!


He's yet to keep the noises in his head for more than a minute.


They are like nails on a chalkboard to me. He's the worst one I've had, because he's making noise from the moment he wakes up until he falls asleep. His noises of preference are sound effects to various battles.....


It's a good thing he's cute.

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My 5yo has a harmonica and her 3-1/2yo little brother likes to wrestle with whoever will wrestle him, this usually involves jumping on one of his big sisters or taking their toys from them. Best though, they want to do it wherever I am! Not their bedrooms (upstairs), or the playroom (downstairs) or outside, but right where I am! If I am on the phone, that is even better! It makes me feel so loved! When will dh be home??

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No. sigh You are not alone. My four year gives a running commentary from morning til night. I especially love it when he walks in on me in the bathroom. "Oh, you're poopin', mom. It's stinky, mom. I'll close the door, mom.":glare: Thanks, Joe.



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