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Looking for Bible Curriculum for 1st and 2nd Grade

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Hi Everyone,


I am looking for a bible curriculum to use with my first and second graders next year.    I would appreciate any reviews or suggestions when it comes to covering this subject.  I didn't grow up in a very religious home, so I don't know when and where to start when it comes to teaching this subject.  :)


So far I am considering the following:


1)  Leading Little Ones to God by Schooland plus readings from the bible-(My plan would be to read from the devotional 3 times per week and then do the suggested bible readings from that book on the 4th day.) 


2)  Telling God's Story Year 1 and Workbook-  the book suggests covering one lesson per week and then doing a hands-on project.  The projects LOOK really fun, but I worry about actually fitting more projects into our day.  I also worry that there isn't actually any reading from the actual bible in this course.


3)  Grapevine bible study - 


4)  Anything else I should consider or look into? 


We also use Seeds Family worship as a memory tool for bible verses. 

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There are so many good Bible resources.  I'm a little obsessive about collecting them. :)  We discovered Bible Study Guide for All Ages this year and *adore* it.  Both my kids LOVE to do Bible.  I read straight from the Bible as they complete their student pages.  I've been very surprised how much my youngest has retained because he has some learning issues.  Different things work for different people, but it might be worth taking a look at this program.

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I've been using Leading Little Ones to God with my 8yo and 6yo this year and it has been wonderful. We have had some amazingly deep theological discussions stem from the readings. We are also involved in Community Bible Study (http://www.communitybiblestudy.org) where we each go to our own class once a week. DD has her own Bible study guide with daily homework that corresponds to the adult study that I am doing. That has been super as well. Next year when DS is in first grade, he will be in her class and will have daily Bible homework so that will serve as the Bible component of our curriculum. I'm so glad we took this year to do LLOtG, though. I think it lays a solid foundation and is a good resource for some hard to explain concepts.

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I just started Leading Little Ones to God with my 4 & 6 year old. I think it is a great book, but might be a little young for a 1st and 2nd grader who are active in church already. It seems the right level for my 4 year old. But, I found a used copy very inexpensively on Amazon and sometimes it is nice to do something that is easier.


We love the Seeds CDs in our house too.

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I was skeptical about Bible Study Guide for All Ages but like others have said, it works, we complete it each day and the kids really look forward to it and are retaining a lot. I am sold, just purchased our next sets. HTH.

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I was skeptical about Bible Study Guide for All Ages but like others have said, it works, we complete it each day and the kids really look forward to it and are retaining a lot. I am sold, just purchased our next sets. HTH.


How long does a bible lesson typically take in that program?  And is this something you do 5 days per week?  Our schedule is pretty hectic, so I am hoping to find something that would take about 20 minutes, 4-5 X per week.   Those lessons look pretty long to me.  But maybe I am wrong. 

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I've looked at Bible Study for All Ages a few times (currently we're working through Leading Little Ones to God - and loving it!) but it always seems so expensive! Is it just me? We'd go through a 26 lesson book in less than six weeks. When you order, do you order many books at once to save on shipping? Or do some lessons take more than one day? Or do you not do a lesson each day? Each week maybe?

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All I order are the student pages, I have two in beginner and one in intermediate. It is $5.95 for each packet. We go through a packet in about 6-7 weeks, depending. We typically do a lesson a day, in the evening, as our family Bible time. I read the from the Bible and then we go through the back altogether, my son does the mapwork independently. It takes all of 20 minutes, it's not too lengthy, and a lot is retained and it is asked for every night. The kids are excited about "Bible time" again and again.

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I separated devotions from bible study.


For devotions we used Leading Little Ones...for pre-K and K, and did devotions from Little Visits with God for 1st and 2nd (loved it so much).

We read the bible for bible study and had Sunday School to help with the rest (we use Godly Play at our church).

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I seem to be one of the few that do not like BSGFAA.  I don't know what it is b/c it has a lot of things I'm looking for (drill, memorization, songs, Bible story, application, prayer)... but it just doesn't float my boat.  Perhaps I'd like the older age levels (only tried the youngest) but the directions given for the Bible time are just so inane (e.g.: "find joseph's brothers and color them blue" --- my kids are always like "why blue, what does that MEAN?!" :o)


We're currently reading a devotional + reading through an illustrated Bible (Read 'n Grow) + using Zondervan's Bible Doodle Book.  Just a hodgepodge, really.  I keep meaning to get to memory verses, but haven't yet (we LOVE Seeds Family CDs, though).

Next year, I think we'll try Notgrass's Life of Jesus.

We did use Grapevine's Christmas unit and liked it well enough... but I was sort of glad when we finally finished it. :o

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How long does a bible lesson typically take in that program?  And is this something you do 5 days per week?  Our schedule is pretty hectic, so I am hoping to find something that would take about 20 minutes, 4-5 X per week.   Those lessons look pretty long to me.  But maybe I am wrong. 


It probably takes us about 20 minutes to do a lesson, with me pausing at times and going between the kids to assist them.  We do either character training activities, hymn study, OR BSGFAA Mon-Fri.  My kids beg for BSGFAA though, so we've recently set aside the other things.  It's something that is easy to do every day, but it doesn't have to be done every day.  You can easily set it aside and then pick up again right where you left off.

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Thanks Everyone!


Another question about Bible Study for All Ages:


What exactly do I need to teach two students? I know I would need one teacher guide and two student guides. But what about the wall timeline, maps, and labels? And what about the music CD?




I only use the student pages. I have 2 kids doing beginner pages and 1 in intermediate. I've never ordered the teacher guide.

I have the beginner timeline which I use for the littles. Then I ordered the summary cards for the older. You don't have to have any of the extras. You can just skip that section on the page where it instructs you to use them. I'm hoping to get the timeline maybe this year. But we would be fine without the extras.

The pages take us maybe 20 min. We do them 4 or 5 days a week.

As for the coloring, my kids choose their own colors and I sometimes add additional instructions. It helps them pay attention and follow along.

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We just started this (with a 4, 8 & 10 year old) http://www.christianbook.com/choosing-kindness-kaye-freeman/9780970306937/pd/306975?item_code=WW&netp_id=440714&event=ESRCG&view=details.  We are really liking it.  I like that it lists the verses to find, but requires the kids to look them up.  It also has some written work (which we do orally instead) and also little puzzles and activities.  There is also a memory verse for each week. 


I wanted something that studied the Word, but put it on  a level the kids could understand, without being overly crafty and sunday-schoolish.  Even my 4 year old is able to understand what the lesson is about, which I love. :)  I hope we continue to enjoy it because I already bought all 6 elementary level books. LOL

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Thanks Everyone! 


Another question about Bible Study for All Ages:


What exactly do I need to teach two students?  I know I would need one teacher guide and two student guides.  But what about the wall timeline, maps, and labels?  And what about the music CD?





Just the Student Pages (except the Primary Level which also requires the Teacher Pages).  I have a lot of the other materials, but we just use the Student Pages and the Bible (any translation seems to work with this program).

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We have used CAP's God's Great Covenant (https://store-op7rth6.mybigcommerce.com/gods-great-covenant-old-testament-1-program-1/) this year and have really enjoyed it. I like that it takes a big-picture look at Scripture and introduces some deeper theological concepts than some curricula, certainly more than I got in Sunday school as a kid.


Just realized when I looked up the link that it does say 3rd grade and up, so you might want to hold onto it for later. :)

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