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Does this snack/food tray exist?


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We all started the paleo diet yesterday and packing dd7's lunch is taking more time and dd13 seems to be at a loss too so I came up with an idea:)


A giant snack tray:)


I'm looking for a large tray with a bunch of spaces that hold about 1 cup each that I can put various items in that will seal each individual compartment but all open at once when I take off the lid. Then the kids can just pick and choose what they want quickly without opening several different containers and the constant "I don't know what I can have!"


I have 1 jumbo sized muffin tray but that only covers 6 things and doesn't have a lid, I don't want smells mingling. I know I have seen trays like this in the past, I just can't for the life of me remember what they are called.

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Look into bento boxes if you want lunch sized.




We have lunch boxes, its the packing of the lunch boxes thats the issue. I want all the options available at once for the kids to see, kinda like a party platter to fill the lunch box:)


We have a ton of those Ziplock trays, Target carries them:) I did pick up silicone muffin cups for $1 something at Walmart the other day to use with the ziplocks:)

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I think I would personally prefer to make my own with using something like this with a cake pan.  That way they can just grab the individual container and go.   I would put them upside down in a pan or tray, so you can see what is in the container.   



Otherwise use search terms like party tray, vegetable platter, divided serving platter + with lid.

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I have this bento box solely for the dividers and the fact that it has a single lid for my ultra picky, nothing-can-touch, vegetarian who refuses to eat anything 'complicated'. It is very easy. She is four and can pack it, carry it, and get the lid off without everything getting mixed up. Perfect for her:)



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The problem w/ Bento boxes, is they aren't big enough for teens.  They're fine for preschoolers, but not older kids.  OP, I think I saw something like that, by Rubbermaid maybe, unless it was a local store brand knock off.  If you find the perfect tray, post it here.  I'm off to google Rubbermaid containers.

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I have never seen a version of what you are describing with enough compartments to fit my needs, so I just put together a personalized salad bar tray for my fridge. I measured a shelf in the refrigerator, then started searching for the perfect tray (found mine at Target, a simple white plastic tray). After I found a tray that fit perfectly, I took it to The Container Store, played around with the different lidded containers, and figured out the proper mix of sizes that would stack evenly. I bought a bunch of different sizes of their TellFresh containers (5 900ML short rectangles, 2 1.88L tall rectangles, 1 1.75L tall square, 3 500ML short squares, and 4 500ML rectangles). Stacked up perfectly, those are all about the same height. I also got a giant TellFresh tub for my lettuce, but I have to keep that on another shelf. I keep them full of different things at different times and can pull out the salad bar tray any time and make a salad or just snack on veggies.

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