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Why can't I run anymore?


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I got this Fitbit from my kids for Christmas.  I'm up to an average of just under 11,000 steps a day...I'm short so that's a little over five miles.  Some days I do closer to 7 or even 8 miles in a day. Most evenings I take 2 mile brisk walk (around 3.5-4 miles per hour according to my phone's gps). So why can't I run for a half a mile without feeling like I'm going to puke?  Am I just getting old? I'm 45 next month.  Should I push it or just be satisfied?

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Try alternating run/walk by the block instead of the 1/2 mile.  It sounds like your body just needs conditioning. After a week, make it two blocks, and slowing double it until you hit your goal.  If you want a more specific method of learning to run, check out Couch to 5k.  It is both a book and computer app.  It has a specific formula for rotating in running/walk to steadily increase your endurance and speed.

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Try alternating run/walk by the block instead of the 1/2 mile. It sounds like your body just needs conditioning. After a week, make it two blocks, and slowing double it until you hit your goal. If you want a more specific method of learning to run, check out Couch to 5k. It is both a book and computer app. It has a specific formula for rotating in running/walk to steadily increase your endurance and speed.

This. When I started I literally ran 1 minute and walked 2. Gradually I increased things. Take it slow and it'll come.
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Try alternating run/walk by the block instead of the 1/2 mile. It sounds like your body just needs conditioning. After a week, make it two blocks, and slowing double it until you hit your goal. If you want a more specific method of learning to run, check out Couch to 5k. It is both a book and computer app. It has a specific formula for rotating in running/walk to steadily increase your endurance and speed.



Also, a common thing that I see is that people try to jog by simply increasing the speed of their walking gait. If you're jogging/running with a heel-ball-toe foot strike, you're putting the breaks on every time a foot hits the ground, so it takes way more energy than it should with better form.

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I got this Fitbit from my kids for Christmas.  I'm up to an average of just under 11,000 steps a day...I'm short so that's a little over five miles.  Some days I do closer to 7 or even 8 miles in a day. Most evenings I take 2 mile brisk walk (around 3.5-4 miles per hour according to my phone's gps). So why can't I run for a half a mile without feeling like I'm going to puke?  Am I just getting old? I'm 45 next month.  Should I push it or just be satisfied?



I'll agree with everyone else, slow down.  You are probably going too fast.  Run, slowly, for 1 min bursts.  Run 1 min, walk 3 (or 4).  You should not feel like you're going to puke. That could mean you are getting your heart rate too high.  Do not push it.  


You could also be having some heartburn or indigestion issues that get aggravated when you run.  You may want to check that out. 


When I started running, I ran at about a 13:00 min/mile pace, closer to 13.50 min/mile.  I don't go a whole lot faster now.  My slow run is about 12:00 min/mile pace.  

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You could also be having some heartburn or indigestion issues that get aggravated when you run.  You may want to check that out. 



I was going to suggest this as well.  I used to run a lot--two marathons, several half-marathons.  I ran a 10K when I was 37 weeks pregnant.  I ran more and less over 10 or 12 years, but I could always pick running up again and be back up to running five miles non-stop within two or three weeks.  Then I hurt my hip and didn't run much at all for a year or two.  When I went back, I felt like I was DYING.  I never did get up to even 4 miles non-stop.  I was doing exactly what I had done before, running the exact same routes, and nothing had changed except that I had aged a year.  But really, I didn't expect turn 41 and completely lose the ability to get into shape.  I kept at it for a couple of years, running less than before, but I didn't make a lot of progress and figured I would just never get to 5 miles again.  BUT, then I read something on here about reflux causing coughing with no other symptoms.  Well, I got some OTC Prilosec or something similar, and the random dry cough I have had for years stopped on a dime.  I used two boxes of it and stopped (the cough has not reappeared--I think the esophagus or whatever has healed), but I ran this week for the first time since using the Prilosec.  I had been off for 6 weeks with a sprained ankle, but despite the layoff, I still felt many times better than I did before.  Even with 6 or 7 weeks off for the ankle, I was easily running better than I did before the sprain.  The only thing I could figure was that the difference might be the Prilosec, and I am beyond excited about possibly being back to running 5 miles nonstop (my personal definition of excellent fitness) soon. 


For what it's worth, I have never had indigestion or heartburn or any other symptoms of reflux other than a cough.

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Intervals are your friend. When I'm exhausted, I still jog but I can jog slower than I walk. Try not to try too much at once. Also, make sure you are hydrated but not immediately before. Don't jog within an hour of eating. Make sure you have good shoes. Many factors can affect your jogging experience. I'd start with a couch to 5k program.

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