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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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:grouphug: Julie Smith.


I spent the morning getting the kids ready (early) to drive to the airport to pick up dh, got lost (I think that little voice in the car hates me :banghead: ), arrived at the airport, waited for hours ( :willy_nilly: toddler), told my dh about the post I had hit with the car on Wednesday ( :cool:) and now finally we're home. Dh is going to bed and I'm going grocery shopping. Alone!

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--exercise: 60 min cardio

--pick up dd at 1pm from ballet (dh will drop her off on his way to his Mandarin conversation group)

--register for the VaHomeschoolers conference next month; book discounted hotel

--errands: grocery store, drug store

--continue writing practice Science Olympiad tests

--decide on outfit to wear to surprise 50th bday party tonight (60s theme and I do NOT want to do the hippie look, more like the Jackie Kennedy/Jackie O look-----I have the perfect outfit for summer weather (white eyelet sheath dress, fuchsia cardigan over the shoulders, print scarf as headband, really big sunglasses) but not sure what to do for this weather)

--and then decide how I will do my hair...

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Good Morning All!

I'm happy now. Got to sleep in. Kids are still sleeping. Monster size cup of coffee at my side. Watching the sweet little birdies at my feeder. All is well with the world.


Well, yesterday ended all right. I don't know why I get stressed about things. The flat tired incident ended fine. dh is now at the tire place getting 4 new tires for my car (we were at the point of needing them anyway and our tax refund should cover them). So many things about that whole thing to be thankful for: didn't have a blow out, was able to safely pull-over, my parents were home to pick us up, dh can take care of buying new tires.


So, today...

** groceries

** laundry

** Children's Church stuff to prepare, and I'm a Sunday School sub tomorrow, need to think about that.

** I'm going to try to do a little yardwork garden planning.


Hugs, Julie, keep us updated.

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Julie - hope your FIL is ok.


Tress - one day all the GPS's are going to get together and make us drive off cliffs . . .    and no, I'm not paranoid!   :leaving:


Lucky - your party sounds like a lot of fun!


Krissi - I often get stressed and then wonder later why I did that.  


I am up an hour earlier than I wanted to be.  My mom called me by accident.  And then she decided to talk to me since she had me on the line.  Which is fine.  I like talking to my mom but I was sleepy and cold and towards the end really had to go to the bathroom!  Anyway, after all that, there is no way I'm going to get back to sleep again.  

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Okay, I'll bite. Today I am going to clean the mess that was once my office.  It's gotten so bad that I've been using a temporary table in the living room for about 6 weeks, and I'm somewhat dysfunctional without my office routine.  Now that I've finished my term paper I am going to tackle the giant piles of paper, which probably means going through all of the files to weed out old stuff and make room for new stuff.  I have 2-3 years of homeschool portfolio papers sitting in boxes that need to be gone through and put IN portfolios, along with all of the accompanying pictures.  Then I have 3 computers to configure to do a big switcheroo.  It sounds like a whole-weekend-plus project.  And I'm going to jump in...  right... NOW!

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I have to work today so my day is mostly focused on that.


eat breakfast (new habit I am working on, I typically skip it but trying to eat a breakfast with protein now)

work 1030-630 (30 minute drive time on either side of that, plus time to get ready)

pick dd6 up from camp at 730pm

cook dinner

clean kitchen


work on coursera stuff.


ETA: just remembered I need to cut ds15s hair, he has shooting competition tomorrow and it is not regulation length.

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Tress - one day all the GPS's are going to get together and make us drive off cliffs . . .    and no, I'm not paranoid!   :leaving:


:smilielol5: I'm sure my GPS will be a ring leader, it's probably creative enough to think something up in lieu of cliffs :lol:.



My dh told me that he never listens to the voice, only looks at the card. Would have been nice if he had told me that before....


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Human care including breakfast done

Pet care done

Dd delivered to her volunteer gig.


It's snowing here but not sticking.  And our neighbors across the street just got a video game machine like  you have in an arcade delivered.  None of which really has nothing to do with anything but I wanted to share anyway.  Probably because it will keep me from having to clean the kitchen.  


I am going to clean the kitchen.  

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Finally got in gear! Went outside and tackled the back yard. I'm ripping out everything but shrubs. It will be easier to weed and cheaper to irrigate. I have a feeling water is going to be expensive this year! So, the green waste container is full and now I'm going to get cleaned up.

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finished my long day at work, gave ds15 his hair cut, picked dd6 up from camp, cooked dinner which I am enjoying now while I type, washing machine is almost ready to go with a load for tonight (just waiting for dd14 to finish dinner and have her shower), I spent some time reading on my lunch break today.  I still have a few things to do tonight but it will be a fairly low key night since the teens have to be up at 5am which means I need to be up at 5am to get them up.

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Dinner done


Went through all the mail and sorted out the bills and threw out all the junk mail.


Went to the mall to walk.  I get out of breath so easily.  By the end of one lap my chest was so tight and I was sucking gas.  At the end of two laps I had to sit down since my heart was pumping so fast I could feel it.  (My heart has been checked out multiple times.  This is an inflammation thing.)


*  Time to pay bills.  

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Dinner done


Went through all the mail and sorted out the bills and threw out all the junk mail.


Went to the mall to walk.  I get out of breath so easily.  By the end of one lap my chest was so tight and I was sucking gas.  At the end of two laps I had to sit down since my heart was pumping so fast I could feel it.  (My heart has been checked out multiple times.  This is an inflammation thing.)


*  Time to pay bills.  

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Made hangers out of dowels and put up the piles of 4-H rosettes along the tops of the walls.

Totally cleaned out the file-cabinet top drawer (bills) and organized the remaining papers.  Sorted the unfiled papers - to be filed tomorrow.

Ordered picture frames and mats to hang up the nice artwork that's lying over the top of the homeschool porfolio stuff.

Sorted through piles of stuff that doesn't belong in my office and made people put it away *where it belongs*.


Also drove a boy to driver's ed and back (well, actually, he drove back) and paid my respects to a friend whose 70th birthday party was today.


I'm pooped! 


Add a big box of shredding to tomorrow's list.  I hope the kids will help with that!

And I found a disk I need to do some of the computer reformatting...

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