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Cooking for one - student recipes please


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I want to put together a collection of recipes for one for a student.  She will have access to a stovetop and microwave (but no oven) as well as a small bar fridge in the kitchenette.  A decent supermarket is within walking distance, so she could buy fresh daily.


Please help me with your recipes.

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I had this book in college-it focuses on one pot meals (hot pot or stovetop) microwave, etc, and also on suggestions for shopping to get ingredients in appropriate quantities. It's definitely worth the couple of dollars that it seems to cost used on Amazon





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Dd started cooking just for herself and making enough for two or three meals, which kept her from cooking every day. But she has a fridge available.  This term she's sharing cooking with a couple of friends, which she likes even better. One cooks for all three and they get more variety that way and each only has to cook twice a week.   One night a week they go out or have 'fix your own' night. 


I would think buying meat one serving at  a time would be more expensive.  Does she have any storage space in the bar fridge? 


Pasta and veggies are really easy for students- and a box of pasta is easy to keep on the shelf.  Even simple soy sauce sprinkled on the mix adds a lot of flavor. 


dd's favorite is to slice veggies- zucchini , bell peppers, onion, mushrooms, etc. - whatever she has- and  cooks them in a bit of olive oil until almost tender, then dices up a boneless chicken breast and adds it and browns it. Then dumps the whole thing over some cooked pasta and sprinkles on shredded parmesan. 


A handmade cookbook is a great idea!

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Teach her to poach an egg in the microwave.  Place an egg in a glass bowl with water and a bit of vinegar.  Pierce the yolk.  Now, nuke for about  a minute…check…and continue to nuke at 10 second intervals until the white is cooked.  She'll eventually figure out a rough time for her microwave.



We also love these egg beater mug meals.  You can make them with a real egg too.  http://www.eggbeaters.com/recipes/microwave-scrambled-egg-recipes



My favorite mug brownie recipe: http://www.food.com/recipe/microwave-chocolate-mug-brownie-349246



If she likes fish, it's really easy to nuke a salmon fillet or what not in the microwave.  Usually takes about 4-5 minutes if frozen.



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College Girl cooks frequently, sometimes for her and a friend but mostly for herself.  As mentioned above, she often cooks multiple servings on the weekend when she has more flexible time.  Will your dd have a slow cooker?  CG cooks fish a lot in a slow cooker a sweet family loaned her for this year.  She also cooks a lot of "rice veg" - rice with chopped broccoli, carrots, etc. on the stovetop.

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One of my favorite easy recipes:


Put raw bagged spinach on a plate.

Sauté strips of red pepper (1/2 a pepper) and sliced mushrooms (1/2 a box) in olive oil.

Top the spinach with the peppers, mushrooms and the oil from the pan -- the spinach will wilt/cook right on the plate.

Add a bit of sliced scallion and a sprinkling of balsamic vinegar.


Serve with a grilled in pan sausage. My favorite is Aidell'a chicken and apple sausage, but any type would work (except a skinny breakfast sausage).


If you dd learns to make a decent omelette, she can do all kinds of variations. One of my favorites is scallion-cheddar.


Another quick meal. Chicken tenders sautéed in olive oil. When they are just done, add chicken stock and Trader Joe's Soyaku sauce (or any soy saucy thing) plus a little chicken stock. I use boxed stock, but a bouillon cube would not take up valuable refrigerator space.) serve with a microwaved sweet potato and some greens or salad. There will be leftover chicken to reach eat in microwave or use cold in a sandwich/ salad.


Another idea is using surimi. I know it's not organic by any means, but it is friendly on the budget and comes in small packages. There are recipes online for salads and hot dishes.


A really good tuna salad -- tuna, mayo, Dijon mustard, celery, scallion, pickle relish. Serve on spinach or other greens.


One of my favorite leftover recipes. Sauté a shallot or two in butter. Add finely chopped scallion, celery or other leftovers and cook till wilted. Add leftover rice, a bit of chicken stock and some heavy cream. Cook till rice is warm and has absorbed the liquid.


This serves more than one. Salad greens + canned, drained chick peas + red pepper strips + canned mandarin oranges + leftover chicken and your favorite salad dressing.

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Don't forget it's super easy to nuke a baked potato.  Takes about 8-10 minutes depending on size.  Wash well, prick with a fork…and nuke away!   


I've topped mine with cottage cheese and scallions, sour cream, yogurt, etc.  She could also nuke a package of frozen broccoli w/cheese and put that on top.  


Not healthy…but adding M&Ms to just nuked popcorn is divine.  You can buy Orville Reddenbacher or you can follow Alton Brown's recipe. :)  http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/plain-brown-popper-recipe.html



Also don't forget you can nuke pasta.  http://www.momsbudget.com/microwave/cookspaghettinoodles.html  Then if she has a jar of marinara in the fridge, she can just add it and eat.

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