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TMJ - Anyone with experience


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My daughter has been complaining about "clicking" in her jaw.  Now she says it "goes out of alignment" sometimes.  I am trying to track down a specialist but that is proving to be a bit of a challenge.


She says it doesn't cause her any pain...but definite discomfort and concern.


Anyone with similar experiences they can share?


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I'm 45 and starting getting  TMJ last summer.  I did not have the clicking, but had really bad pain from it.  I felt like someone had punched me in the jaw.  It would flare up at any time.  I discussed it with my dentist and he made me a night guard that I wear to bed every night.  It cost almost $600 but was totally worth it.  I haven't had any painful flareups since getting it several months ago.  Also, I can no longer chew gum.  Doing things like that will bring on TMJ.



ETA:  There are all kinds of degrees and severity of TMJ.


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my son was dealing with tmj (including the out of alignment).  we had a really good chiro who actually adjusted him.  it took a number of visits - but even then it was WAAAAAAYYYY cheaper than it would have been going to a dentist who treats it.

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I went to my dentist and they told me to "buy Sensidyne." I think they thought I was fishing for pain medication!  Yikes! I was so angry. I got a new dentist.  Mine had evolved into horrible ear pain and really awful migraines.  I am not sure I ever got it fixed, but it went away pain-wise. I tried a series of night guards for teeth grinding, but they never fit well (even the one from the dentist) so I didn't use them.  I probably should have pursued it more. I do still feel like my teeth don't fit together they way they used to.

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I had congenital TMJ which required facial reconstruction surgery when I was a teen that mostly fixed it, but I still have some symptoms like what your dd describes. The main things are no gum or anything else very chewy, no very thick foods like big sandwiches or thick cut steaks, and a 2 week course of ibuprofen 3 times a day for inflammation when it flares. The "going out of alignment" is concerning. The jaw can dislocate fairly easily if the joints are lax - it has happened to me just from yawning. Your dentist can refer you to a maxillofacial specialist for a consult.

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Thanks to everyone for their answers!



I had it in college when I was grinding my teeth regularly at night. Dentist made a nightguard and that helped significantly.

Have her watch when she's clenching her jaw (I did in the day a lot when I was focusing).


Dana, this is what she says happens with her also - clenching during the day but not really grinding or clenching at night.


Will try to get a recommendation today for a doctor!



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my son was dealing with tmj (including the out of alignment).  we had a really good chiro who actually adjusted him.  it took a number of visits - but even then it was WAAAAAAYYYY cheaper than it would have been going to a dentist who treats it.






I had TMJ for years and years.  I even had a night guard made by a dentist.  In the end, my chiropractor (whom I started seeing long after the night guard was made) adjusted my jaw and fixed it.  I never even need adjustments any more.

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I have this too. My jaw makes a loud snap when open too wide or when I move my jaw from side to side. If it pops too often I get a horrible ear ache and pain in my neck and back molars on the affected side. I avoid chewing gum and really tough/chewy foods. It does happen to be one of the joints affected by my RA as well.


One warning is that if she ever needs to get wisdom teeth removed, the extraction process can REALLY aggravate it. I was awake during my extraction and the dentist accidentally dislocated that side of my jaw. While the tooth extraction themselves healed normally, I had a TMJ flare up for about a month. Pain pills, Sensodyne and alternating cold/hot packs were my only relief.

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