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Join me for a birthday glass of whine


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Today is my birthday.


Normally, I only want one thing, to be alone and read a book, completely uninterrupted.  I am a SAHM to littles with a dh who works insane hours.  My life is filled with solo school times, meal times, bath times, grocery store/library trips, birthday parties, etc.  I just want one day.  All alone.  My dh always has to work on Saturday, so normally my parents would take my kids for the day.  Only my SIL is about to have a baby, any minute, so they couldn't come.  Also, my sister and I usually have a joint birthday party (hers is Feb. 12), but we are waiting for SIL to have the baby so we don't make two trips to their city.  I understand all this, and am not bitter or resentful toward anyone, it just sucks.  To make matters more irritating, I got sick on Tuesday, like with a fever that has persisted until yesterday.  My house looks like a bomb went off in it, I think there is something covering 2300 of the 2400 square feet of it.  Every time I start to clean, I have no energy, I just can't.  Just can't.  So I am sitting in my messy house, with my arguing kids...arguing...with no respite in sight.  We have no food, but I am too tired to take all three to the grocery store, they won't eat restaurant food, so taking them out is not an option.  My seven year old just got home from a sleepover so he is super grouchy from staying up all night.  There will be no birthday wine because I don't drink at all when I have them here alone.  I need to get this house clean before I leave when SIL has her baby, I need to go buy my kids' Valentines, I need to organize our school week because we will be gone to Raleigh all day tomorrow and dh is going to GA tomorrow night.  Only I just can't.  


So join me with your glass of whine.  

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I'm sorry!   :grouphug:     Maybe you could have a rescheduled birthday celebration (your day alone) in a week, or month.   Make sure it happens!


I admit I've never had a birthday quite like yours.  I've had some bad ones though.  One year my birthday dinner was fast-food burgers (which was actually fine as I liked them, but it wasn't my dream dinner), after which my husband suggested I walk over to the grocery store in the strip mall to get a cake.  I declined, ungraciously.   I think he brought home a cake the next day.  :lol:




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I thought about calling my nanny and asking her to watch them...but my house looks bad, y'all :).  Maybe I could ask her to clean then watch them  :lol: .  I am definitely asking for a redo from dh, probably when we get back from VA after my nephew is born.  Though waiting until June is tempting, then I could lie by the pool and read my book :).

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I would- order a pizza for myself; forget about getting the house clean before I left town; and pack a few read alongs and plan to watch videos or do field trips for school while out of town.  Pare down the have-tos, eliminate the if onlys and deal only with the absolute musts.   



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I'm sorry!   :grouphug:     Maybe you could have a rescheduled birthday celebration (your day alone) in a week, or month.   Make sure it happens!


I admit I've never had a birthday quite like yours.  I've had some bad ones though.  One year my birthday dinner was fast-food burgers (which was actually fine as I liked them, but it wasn't my dream dinner), after which my husband suggested I walk over to the grocery store in the strip mall to get a cake.  I declined, ungraciously.   I think he brought home a cake the next day.  :lol:


I'm sorry, that totally sounds like my dh  :lol: .

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I would- order a pizza for myself; forget about getting the house clean before I left town; and pack a few read alongs and plan to watch videos or do field trips for school while out of town.  Pare down the have-tos, eliminate the if onlys and deal only with the absolute musts.   


I don't think I can clean, I'm just going to have to let it go.  My face starts pounding every time I bend down.  I hope we don't have some sort of disaster like a burst pipe or something, because if anyone sees this house, I'm moving to a cave to avoid embarrassment.  My son is watching Jurassic Park, do you think that counts as an educational video ;)?

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First - happy birthday! 


Second:  I'm glad you're thinking sensibly about the cleaning.  There's no sense in knocking yourself down for several extra days because you pushed too hard too soon. 


Third: I'm in the order-pizza-today camp, and the pick-a-nice-day-at-a-later-time camp.  But I'll raise the bet:  you should get two days this year to make up for the inconvenience.





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I thought about calling my nanny and asking her to watch them...but my house looks bad, y'all :).  Maybe I could ask her to clean then watch them  :lol: .  I am definitely asking for a redo from dh, probably when we get back from VA after my nephew is born.  Though waiting until June is tempting, then I could lie by the pool and read my book :).


Well, shoot, if you have a nanny, give her a call, ask her to pick up some specific groceries on the way over - pbj and bread? and something nice for you - and when she gets to your house, lock yourself in your bedroom with a great book, whatever treat the nanny brought you and a nice beverage. Your kids won't care if the house is a mess, the nanny should understand. Your kids will be taken care of and you can you can relax.

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