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What are you doing today (Saturday) I need direction.

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Company left this morning and the house is pretty trashed. DH is working until 3 and I have to leave for a wedding at 5. Should I fly around cleaning up, work on staining my baseboards (ongoing project that has been neglected) or do something fun with dcs. If you choose dcs...what should we do? Right now I am paralyzed in front of the computer and they are watching tv!

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but I will try for suggestions. If you and dc did not have a lot of time while company was about, I would do something fun with them, especially if you have a wedding to go to later, they can be very draining - even attending as a guest - and time with your dc could rejuvenate you before dealing with more outside commitments. If it is a nice day, there is always the park or pool, or fun crafty things - my ds and I are going to make up on some SOTW activities that didn't get done this week and his olympics lapbook this afternoon. If you do not feel like leaving the house, you could watch the olympics together, make cookies/brownies/popcorn together, play a board game, play a video game together - if you have them. I would leave the cleaning till tomorrow, but that is partially my abhorrence for cleaning, I will procrastinate on it for ANY reasonably valid reason. HTH

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I'm going to a co-op meeting (shoot me, please), testing for my brown belt in Judo (gah!), and then cleaning up my bedroom (it's trashed from emptying the suitcases from our vacation last week).


I would clean the house if I were you. I can't function well in a messy house and getting it off my mind would be wonderful.

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Yeah I think I'd have to clean the house up a bit first too. Then something with the kids. The walk was a nice idea. Gets you out, fresh air, relaxing...yet kids can expend some energy ;)


I'm going to be doing a bit of cleaning. I have some laundry going, then I need to dust and tidy the living room. The kids have to go pull weeds for a while. Then..we're going to work on a paper mache solar system model. :) Yeah. Me. One of the oh-so-not-crafty moms. help!


After that, I have no idea. I have no idea how long hubs is working, though it's usually until around lunch time...but I don't ever *count* on it. I don't know if he has any ideas for the afternoon. He needs to put brake pads on my truck though, I know that. Doesn't mean it will happen though. LOL

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I've put some things out by the road that I'm hoping I can just give away. I'm doing a little cleaning, hanging out clothes, making homemade pizza for lunch then going to our local garden center. I really need to do some planning because we start school the 26th.

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Thanks guys. Since I posted I have cleaned the kitchen up real nice, made a big breakfast for dcs and then my sister called, who I haven't been able to talk to in awhile. So I am talking to her and picking up the place while dcs play outside.


I still want to do a little one on one with them, but not sure what it will look like. It is actually too cold for the pool. I can't believe I am saying that in August!

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I'd pick up, and then do something fun with the kids. We have the county fair going on here this weekend that we'll attend.


Today I'm in the mood to accomplish something. I'm grinding wheat, making bread, and blueberry syrup. Since I deep cleaned the living room yesterday, I'd like to take down the sheers in there (and the kitchen curtains) and wash those. Ideally, I'd like to clean the carpet in there, too.


Dh wants to do billing (he's self-employed) before we go to the fair, and we do that together. As long as he's out doing his errands, etc., I plan to get a lot done--for a change!


Oh, yeah, also had a nice long chat with my mom and a friend I haven't talked to in a few weeks. And, the laundry's getting done!

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I think you should come to my first ever Uppercase Living Open House! I'm having a drop-in party from 10 a.m. (right now!) to 1 p.m. Can you make it??? I'm standing at my kitchen counter surfing while waiting for folks to show up ... I have my laptop set up on the counter so guests can try my custom-design tool easy as pie. (Hmmmm ... pie ... maybe I should whip one up to serve! No, wait ... no time ... )


Ack! Can you tell I'm nervous?

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I'd find out if Staples is having their Teacher Appreciation Day in your area and go to get your free flash drive. After that, pick up a bit, then play a bit.


After I went to Staples, I went to Sam's then came home. I'm going to finish up the binders and contemplate cutting spines off books. Dd won't be home until tomorrow.

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