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Those who read my cold/flu/sick thread


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I have an update. I started getting chest pains Saturday night, fairly severely and painfully. It diminished by morning but Sunday night it was worse again so I called after hours and they said go to the ER. Well I did. I was worried I had pneumonia or something similar. Well they did a chest X-Ray and it basically came back that the linings of my lungs are swollen and inflamed and highly irritated and my chest muscles are extremely irritated after two weeks of heavy dry coughing. Combined with the pulled muscles in my back I am in severe pain with every single deep breath and movement. They prescribed me an inhaler (albuterol) for the inflammation in the lung linings, hydrocodone for the pain in my chest and back and Tesalon pearls as a cough suppressant. I'm pretty miserable still but at least I can sleep decently now thanks to the pain reliever and other prescriptions.

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:grouphug: I had something like that once, except cracked rib from coughing instead of the pulled back muscle. It was beyond miserable. The inhaler actually helped me the most, and I've never needed one before or since that time. I hope all the meds make it easier to get sleep and get better. :grouphug:

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