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Non-fiction titles you have thoroughly enjoyed

plain jane

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I am really enjoying this thread since I prefer non-fiction.  Reading with the library open in another tab.  Immediately placed a hold on $64 tomato since that really resonates with me :sad:

I will second (third?) the Animal, Vegetable Miracle and add anything by Michael Pollan, Nina Planck or Joel Salatin

Lost on Planet China by J. Maarten Troost

The One World Schoolhouse by Salman Khan

One Year Off by David Elliot Cohen


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Another vote for all three of these mentioned above: Baby Catcher by Peggy Vincent, Next of Kin: My Conversations with Chimpanzees by Roger Fouts, and The Power of Habit. Habit has stuck with me for quite a while. Bits of it emerge in my thoughts constantly. Baby Catcher made me understand birth in a way that nothing else did. Next of Kin is startling and perspective changing. (For a bonus good time, chase it down with a watch of the recent Rise of the Planet of the Apes.)


The Millionaire Next Door > I reread this every two years or so. More than any other books, it reminds me of the power of simplicity, radical contentment and personal responsibility.


The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog by Bruce Perry > The subtitle of this book is “what traumatized children can teach us about loss, love and healing†and as such, it is quite a grim read, but Bruce Perry is masterful at explaining how trauma changes the brain, and by extension, how love and peace can nourish it. When I finished this book I was left with new clarity about the nature of the human condition.


Becoming Attached by Robert Karen > This is a history of attachment theory research in fields of psychology and social science. I started in the middle, read to the end and then came back again. We had done some attachment parenting practices because Dr. Sears told us to LOL, but this book is totally not about practice, it’s about everything else. Again, so much clarity after reading this, and quite well-written and fascinating!


Onions in the Stew by Betty MacDonald > ABSOLUTELY. THE. BEST. It’s a memoir of her life with her teenage daughters and second husband on Vashon Island, Washington. Funny and wise and perfect and this is another one I re-read on the regular. (She is the author of the Miss Piggle-Wiggle books for children, and The Egg and I, another memoir, which became a Claudette Colbert movie and then was spun off into about a million Ma and Pa Kettle pictures.)


Among Friends by MFK Fisher > Memoir of her childhood in Whittier, CA. Pretty great.

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A couple of non-fiction titles I've enjoyed:


Quirkology: How We Discover the Big Truths in Small Things by Richard Wiseman


Bill Bryson's The Mother Tongue - English And How It Got That Way



One of my husband's favorite is Tolle's The Power of Now.  Another is Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez.



An older thread you might enjoy reading: Life changing, awesome book suggestions, please!




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I can't think of too many--I tend to listen to non-fiction rather than read it, and the selection of audio non-fiction at our library is limited. I appreciate having some titles to request via interlibrary loan!


River Town was good; I'll second that.

I LOVED David McCullough's bio of John Adams


Someone mentioned The Hot Zone. I loved that book, but I nearly had to pull my car over to the side of road and puke during the first gory description or two. You've been warned!

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Blind Descent: The Quest to Discover the Deepest Place on Earth by James Tabor


I thought I was the only one who had read this, lol. Loved it, too!


A few from my Goodreads lists that I really have enjoyed:


Unbroken - mentioned by so many others

I just finished One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp and loved it.

Grace for the Good Girl by Emily Freeman

Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis

Three Week With My Brother by Nicholas Sparks (and I don't care for Sparks as a fiction writer)

The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer

Time Bandit by the Hillstrand Brothers (dh watches Deadliest Catch, I found this interesting)

Sex on the Moon by Ben Mezrich

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I'm reading The Hot Zone by Richard Preston and I feel like I'll never be the same again. 


I read this years ago...and some of the descriptions are still very vivid in my head. Powerful. Especially the epilogue. I cannot imagine going to that cave.


After you are done, rewatch Outbreak. :)

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I read this years ago...and some of the descriptions are still very vivid in my head. Powerful. Especially the epilogue. I cannot imagine going to that cave.


After you are done, rewatch Outbreak. :)

Funny you should say that! I went to the library to pick up Contagion and the librarian insisted I give this book a read. :)


I'm going to go on a deadly virus movie marathon when I'm done. :)

This book is on a whole other level though...

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