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Do you send "naughty" texts?


Do you send "naughty"texts?  

202 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you send "naughty" texts?

    • Yes, and I rather enjoy it
    • Yes, only because my SO enjoys it
    • Nope, I don't know what to say
    • Nope, just doesn't interest me
    • Other

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I once did send something meant for my husband to a friend instead. Not a big deal. She knew what had happened right away and I got a little lol back. She knew what I was planning on doing later that night. Big whoop. I can't think of anyone I text who would be shocked that I am a sexually active married lady. I've recieved a couple of opps! texts myself. And on my phone the only way I'd accidentally send a text is if I inadvertently responded to the wrong conversation.

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One funny story - several years ago when I was working, my boss was the VP of the company.  He was a conservative Christian with a DW at home homeschooling their 6 kids.  He set up his laptop to display on a large screen and was giving a presentation to about 30 people in the company, and when he got distracted with answering questions.  His laptop switched to the screensaver, which his wife had hijacked the night before - she had set it up as a scrolling marquee telling him what she wanted to do to him when he got home that night!  People gradually noticed and started giggling and he finally turned around and saw it and freaked out.  I've never seen him move so fast as he did leaping for that laptop.  I think his face was red for a week   :lol:   His wife was horrified when she found out everyone had seen it (she used to visit the office periodically, but I think we didn't see her for about six months after The Incident!).  I always thought it was kind of cute - after all, they were so happily married!  But I'm glad it didn't happen to me!

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My sister once sent a fairly explicit text to her dh who usually works alone. She didn't know however that he had a huge meeting that day with investors.  Having forgot to turn off his read aloud function, his phone read the text out loud to the entire room.  Thankfully everyone found the humor.   My sister was horrified though and took a text break after that. :)



If we're doing procedures (and thus sterile) physicians are supposed to be putting our phones on read aloud.  When this first became policy one of our new physician hires made a big production of sending out a mass text to all his contacts explaining this so he wouldn't be in danger of "being caught sexting in front of patients".  That raised more than a few eye rolls and a question as to whether we should still be getting reimbursed for a portion of our cell phone expenses (because we do use them at work and are required to have one so we do get a portion reimbursement---since we have personal plans, the phones belong to us and we can in good conscience use them outside of work as well).  


My husband never sends anything more than quite benign "I love you….the kids miss you but they're fine….I hope your day/night is going well (getting better)."  

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Yup.  We go in spurts and haven't done it in a while, but we text "naughty" things fairly often. Sometimes it is somewhat tame and sometimes very explicit. It keeps things fun for us.  I would NEVER send a picture and don't even have the ability too. 


Honestly, I don't even care that much if they accidentally get read by someone else. I mean, I wouldn't want them to be read by anyone else.  I would be embarrassed.  But, I'm married.  If someone reads it, oh well.  I love my husband and enjoy him...in many ways ;)...which is totally healthy in a marriage. I definitely wouldn't want my kids to see any at this point, but they don't have access to my phone.  If they are older and read them, well...Mom and Dad love each other and they should enjoy each other.  To me, the fun of the texts is well worth the risk of momentary embarrassment...I would get over it and so would the unintended reader.


Sometimes we leave hand written notes too, but not as often anymore because my oldest is 8 and reads well now.  Texts are hidden from him because no one has access to our phones.


I suspect that some of this has to do with your love language.  My love language is words of affirmation. I love getting notes and love letters.  I really enjoy the naughty texts.  It definitely helps "get me going."  ;)


ETA - I'm 35 and my husband is 41.  We didn't have texting in our 20's. 

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Honestly, I'm 32 years old and my husband is 30. We've been married five years and had two kids close together. Nobody should be surprised that we enjoy a physical component to our relationship, even including racy texts sometimes.


My boss just laughed when he got that accidental text.

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my dh send stuff all the time and yeah my older teen young adult usually will read my text before me.  I use to be so embarrassed but they think its funny and cool.   I guess to 2 young men they like to know that the idea of long term committed relationship (24 years in July) you can still have passion and think your lady is hot.   They will usually read the thing and laugh say mom  I think that's for you


I know what he likes which I can do in the text which really aren't things I say in person KWIM.   I do send pictures but my face will be in shadow or something.  We don't do Facebook or anything.  He sees me letting my guard down as a gift so he is protective they get erased before he leaves for work (were ever that may be) We go months without seeing each other so the communication works for us.  He is leaving on Jan 3 and want be back till tentative April maybe later.


  We've were in text world a decade ago when most weren't really using it much.  We would have conversations while each of us were in perspective meetings.  We loved having our own secret connection.   We get feel like teenagers getting away with something LOL


Not to bad for a couple nearing 44 and 51


We text all day but pictures are for only when I know he is back in the hotel room.   The text have been read by other guys with him on the crew.  THese guys are like buddies on high stress projects gone long months and 12 -16 hour days.  I use to get embarrassed when I would see them face to face but hey are all respectful and see it as "my dh is lucky"   I sure us women read way more into than the guys.  The lady that's boob got shown her husband just saw it as "yeah that's mine"   They all have a little cave man in them.



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Yes. Not usually pictures.

However one must be careful that you actually send it to the intended person and not get caught up in a whole bunch of incoming texts that you accidentally send a naughty text to your boss instead of your husband.

Ask me how I know :-)


My son sent a text meant for his girlfriend to me.


I messaged back, "We're close and all, but this ain't WV!"


He said I made his night LOL

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