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iPad novice - which one?


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Retina display what?


Obviously I live a non-techy life.  However, we're looking at getting an iPad and specifically an iPad to use for schooling.  I want the Barton Reading app and it's only available on Apple.  I believe Logic of English' app is also only available on Apple.




Which iPad do I want for this purpose?  Air or Mini? 

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I would get the Air, because of the size. Since you are using it for schooling, you will probably end up with some PDFs of regular sized pages. They are much better on a bigger iPad. Videos will also be easier to watch.


As for apps, it varies by app. Many look fantastic on a smaller screen, but not all do.


Then you have a choice of Airs, by capacity. The old IPad2 is also available.


All the current iPads are Retina, only the older mini and the older yet iPad2 are non Retina. The older pads also have a more limited capacity, 16G max, if I recall.


Retina or non Retina are not startlingly different, IMHO. I would decide based on screen size, price and capacity.


Btw, don't forget to add the cost of a case (or cover) into your pricing decision. And think about Apple Care.

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If you will be using it for schooling (meaning reading and writing)  mostly at home then I'd go for the larger one.  It will still be portable (I take my Ipad 2 with me quite a bit) and will be easier to read/use especially for the littles.  With the size it would be easier for more than one to view at the same time... 


If you want something to slip in your purse that is more portable then go with the mini.  The smaller size makes it harder to use with more than one person at a time.



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My main advice is get more memory.  I had a smaller one and opted for larger on our second go around and am SO glad I did.  Both mine and the kids' are iPad2's and those are still fine.  My second was a refurb and it's been great.  However, at this point, I'd go for a more recent gen since eventually the older models will begin to phase out and apps and OS systems will start being wonky on them.

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I have an iPad 2 and it's great for school and pleasure purposes. ;)

Yes to this. I don't miss not having the retina display, and I have no problems running apps on the 2. I don't mind the size (I prefer the larger screen) and don't find it heavy.


I suggest a bluetooth keyboard/case. This takes it from cool to really, really useful.

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Well I have i-devices with the 30-pin connectors and others with lightning, and personally I'd go for the lightning, even if it means plunking out a little more.  When do you want to start this?  They'll release the new models in March, as someone else said.  The place you watch to see what is coming out is MacRumors.  Google it.  Pictures start leaking out, and yes there is talk of a really mammoth ipad, one that might be really amazing to use with kids for school work.  Wouldn't be so easily portable, but you'd basically have a full sheet of paper, a huge surface for the tiles, etc.  


Also, every time they update, the wifi on these units gets faster.  My ipad3 is 1/2 the speed of my iphone 5.  If you use wifi a lot, it might bug you.  


I think my ipad 3 is a 16GB, and I can put a ton of apps or that or a lot of music or 1/2 of a ton of each.  Definitely can't get everything I own on there, but then do you really NEED that all at once?  I find it's nice to keep things a little more tidy and limited and that with a little effort it's not that big a deal.  But that really works best if you have one person using it and aren't loading long video.  So I say if you're the type who doesn't mind loading it up, picking what you want on (using itunes) and leaving the rest, you'll be fine.  If you want huge files (dvds you've ripped?) or don't want to hassle with that, get the biggest memory you can afford.


Oh, and the deal with the 30 pin is to me it's a bit figety.  You know how it is with kids and plugging things in.  I've had times where the 30 pin got plugged in and didn't charge because it wasn't *just so* and connected.  Lightning never does that to me, and lightning charges much faster, a nice bonus.  


You are about to enter a great world.  Look up bluetooth speakers.  Your ipad can connect with them and you can play your memory work while you sit on the floor and fill the room with sound.  


Btw, if cash is tight, ignore everything I said and get the ipad 2 and live in peace.  I just know my friend paid $200 (I think?) for their ipad 2 the day after Thanksgiving, and there were minis for the same price that would have been faster, though smaller.  If you're paying much more than that, I'd move up to a newer unit, just because there really is a difference (speed, processor, lightning).  But if money is tight, buy what you get a deal on and live in peace.  Also look at the refurb section of the apple store as christmas returns roll in to replenish the refurb stock.  It might take a couple months (because they send them out and actually refurb), but they'll come.  I've bought several things that way and been happy.  The prices on those refurbs will drop immediately after they start selling the new ipads in March, so that's a good time to get an even better discount.  (like if you want a 4 and get a 4 refurb the day the price drops with the coming of the 5)


PS.  Love my maroo cases.  They fit my life.  :D


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ipadteaching

Air for sure, the difference in portability is not much, and you will strain your eyes less...


When I first got an iPad I could barely use the iPhone screen anymore, and I used to do a lot with it. I think the bigger the better, just make sure you can easily carry it around, and they're not very heavy either..

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