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What are your post-homeschool plans (or preliminary thoughts)?


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Not so strange ... I used to be a childbirth educator. I would have loved to be a doula (which I do believe is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world,) but I think that ship has sailed. When my children were younger, I couldn't do it for pay because I couldn't guarantee I would be able to be there. For many years, I had a nursling at home that I couldn't leave overnight. Later, the demands of homeschooling, plus my own health made it difficult to be available for long births. I knew that the demands of being a doula (lack of sleep, emotional exhaustion) would negatively impact my health and family life. There is only so much of me (mentally, emotionally, physically) to go around.


I gave up my childbirth education business about 6 years ago. The birth industry had changed and I began to feel that a low-intervention birth was becoming further and further out of reach for most pregnant women in my area. Legal home birth options were eroding due to the lack of certification of CPMs as well as the malpractice crisis eliminating options for CNMs since their supervising docs could no longer provide back up for home birth. Most of the lovely hospital-based CNMs that I used to recommend had become much quicker to recommend interventions - they had become med-wives. Many conditions that used to be treated with watchful waiting were soon considered to be medical emergencies. Induction rates skyrocketed. C-sections skyrocketed. I felt like a fraud, teaching about birthing options that were becoming increasingly unavailable. I was simply burned-out.


I have a book business (I am an Usborne consultant), but as an introvert, sales is not a natural fit for me. I will continue with it. I LOVE children's books, but I find the process of seeking new business (wearing the extrovert suit) exhausting.


I do know that I need something that gets me out of the house every day, around people. While I am an introvert, but I wither in isolation. I just haven't found anything that arouses passions in me. I am reluctant to go into debt to go back to school as I am trying to encourage my kids to get their educations with a minimal amount of debt.

Ahhh. I understand completely.
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My little one will be starting kindergarten next year and right now we have no plans to HS her because of the autism. I love her dearly but she has needs I can't meet at home. My oldest is starting to reach the point where the academics are beyond what I feel comfortable teaching myself. She will most likely be attending private high school starting in 9th. DS I might try enrolling in a new local "microschool" (2 day/week cottage school) and then piece together classes for the other 3 days. Then I would go to grad school.


I haven't totally decided which program I would like to do. I want to do something related to psychology, most likely either neuropsychology or educational psychology. Bastyr University has a really interesting-looking master's program in nutrition (with a holistic focus) and clinical health psychology but that would require me to move to the Seattle area. I've seen the difference that the proper nutritional support makes in helping youngest DD with her autism and I would love to have a practice that integrates nutrition and traditional psychotherapy/counseling.

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I would love to either get a master's in something like French Literature (comepletely useless, I know), or maybe something like physiology. I've also thought about getting a bachelor's in mechanical engineering, but it would be me, the (then) 55 year-old lady with a bunch of 20 year-old boys in class. The engineering is calling to me, though, especially as DS19 (mechanical engineering major) is taking classes that I"m really interested in. I think I"m more interested in them than he is. :laugh:

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Not sure. I am in school right now part time and plan to work part time in my field when I graduate. I'll be getting a masters in counselir education, a PPS and LPCC licensing requirements. So, probably either retire from part time work or start working full time it go back to school and get my ph.d


I guess it'll depend on what age I stop homeschooling. My kids are 4 & 6. I have one on the way. I'm 29. So if this is my last child I will graduate her when I am 47 years old. If I have more children into my late 30's, I could be potentially finished homeschooling when I am reaching retirement age from my field or if she's my last, I might decide to work more hours to help pay for college or I might still work part time and go for a ph.d part time just for my own self-fulfillment.


Time shall tell.

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Based on my observations of others at that stage of life and my personal experience with it so far, I assume I will be caring for elderly, dependent relatives.  I already helped take care of my dependent, elderly grandparents until they were gone.  Now my dad, step-dad and in-laws are declining in health.

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I can't take the time for a long response, but I want to encourage those of you who think you cannot go back after X number of years. My friend lost her husband very unexpectedly the weekend their daughter, their only child, started her freshman year of college. She had been a SAHM for 18 years, but had been a banker before that.


It took her many months, but she eventually found a local broker with a fairly small business of his own that hired her provisionally. She had to retake her exams and pass them, renewing certifications she'd let lapse decades before. Not only did she thrive, she was quickly promoted and is now his partner, and will likely take over their business when he retires.

She also met a lovely man.


Don't give up!! The skills you've been exercising at home are valuable and there are employers out there who will recognize this and give you chance.

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