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is there any real reason not to let my son....


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Before we had kids, my husband and I would wake up sometimes and be able to see our breath.  Sure we could afford heat, but we liked it cold--we would run the fan, turn the heat off, open a window and burrow under the down comforter at night.  For the kids' sakes, we aren't quite that aggressive now, but just wait until we retire to Wyoming...

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I sleep with at least 1 fan on (and sometimes 2), and have for years. I cannot sleep with still air around me and I cannot sleep without the white noise. I also prefer to sleep in a cold room so I can bundle up under the blankets. I also close the vent into my bedroom because the hot air blowing on me will wake me up. 


Also, what makes you comfortable or uncomfortable has no bearing on whether or not your son is comfortable.

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