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If you won something from a Non-Profit but never received it.....??


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Is there any recourse?


Last Christmas break my daughter won a Kindle.  We have contacted the person who contacted us repeatedly throughout the year tell him we hadn't received it.   She still doesn't have it.  I'm more frustrated about the broken promise and this person not doing their job than I am about the prize itself.  It's rather disappointing.



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Well if they are having a similar contest / fundraiser again a year later I might be inclined to go to local news outlets that helping promote and tell my story. I might also be inclined tell people not to participate through social media as well.


Who in the organization have you dealt with and what kind of voucher did you recieve to show your dd won. I'd want to know those things before I really did anything. And I might not do anything because I didn't want deal with the hassl, but that really stinks!

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Thanks... I don't think she had a voucher - not sure.  She was contacted directly, in person, by the person who told her she won and he took down her information.  I was able to track down his email when we didn't receive it.  Every time he's said - I'll take care of it.  But nothing.    She may still have the emails.



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I realize that you're in a hard place because it could end up looking like you are fighting a nonprofit for a Kindle. However, I think the actual issue is the ethics of the organization. I am guessing that failure to reward a promised prize is the tip of the iceberg in terms of mismanagement.


Did you contribute anything in order to win?  That would be fraud. It would also be fraud (though maybe only ethically; I don't know)  if the prize was offered to raise interest in the non-profit and then not given.

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I realize that you're in a hard place because it could end up looking like you are fighting a nonprofit for a Kindle. However, I think the actual issue is the ethics of the organization. I am guessing that failure to reward a promised prize is the tip of the iceberg in terms of mismanagement.


Did you contribute anything in order to win?  That would be fraud. It would also be fraud (though maybe only ethically; I don't know)  if the prize was offered to raise interest in the non-profit and then not given.


yes, this is what I was thinking.  No she did not give any money.  It's a college related ministry... not Toys for Tots or Salvation Army or anything like that - so it's a bit different.  I'm in the "know" to some extent and yes, there are problems... which is one reason I'm wondering about recourse-  these guys need to get their act together.

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yes, this is what I was thinking.  No she did not give any money.  It's a college related ministry... not Toys for Tots or Salvation Army or anything like that - so it's a bit different.  I'm in the "know" to some extent and yes, there are problems... which is one reason I'm wondering about recourse-  these guys need to get their act together.


Well, then, I would think it's the right thing to pursue it--not for the sake of the Kindle, but for the sake of the organization and for the sake of people who affiliate with non-profits. One can only support so many "causes"--you know? So I personally, would not want to be supporting one with "issues." My time/money can be spent elsewhere. If it's a worthy cause, then helping the organization get its act together could help the cause.



BUT... I recognize the cost of being a change-agent.

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