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S/O Live-in Nanny..and housekeepers...


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I think I want Alice. Remember Alice, from the Brady Bunch? There to clean, cook, run miscellaneous errands, and deal with stray kid stuff? Calm, collected, and always there when you need her. I'll bet she could explain the math problem without getting yelled at, while making a nice dinner and getting two kids to two different events that start at the same time.


Alice, where are you?



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With my luck, by the time Alice starts working at my house, she will have been so fed up with those irritating Bradys that she'll be right on the edge of snapping and going completely berserk.


And if I survive her vicious wrath, I will forever be known as The One Who Drove Alice Insane.


I'm just not lucky that way. ;)

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I have an Alice. Her name is Prema. She lives with us and cooks, cleans, takes care of my dd while we are at work. She has been with us for 4 years and she is family to us now.  She loves us and takes care of us. We love her and take care of her. We attend each other's family gatherings for birthdays and holidays. She is amazing and we are very blessed. 


But no uniform.


In fact, I think she may actually be the boss of the house. :)

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