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Burn out, distracted by the holidays or a little of both? What to do about it?

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I don't know what the heck is going on! I don't feel like we have been working so hard that we should be fried. We do school stuff an average of 4 days a week and we've taken tons of time off, we've done about 14 weeks of school since the beginning of July. None of us can muster up any enthusiasm for continuing on until Christmas! The kids just want to play and read and do art/craft type things. I just want to keep my house clean for once and work on Christmas projects. I think we just need a period of time where our school stuff isn't so structured. I would like to still do a few things, like math, handwriting and reading, but find more natural ways to incorporate them. I feel like I should be able to say that we can take it easy until 2014, but I can't. I wanted to be at a specific point in most of our subjects by Christmas, if we take it easy now we won't reach those points. Aaagghhh! I need to let go of my plans and just go with what we need, but that's hard to do sometimes.


Someone give me permission? And if anyone has some good ideas for how to include math, handwriting and reading in a more natural way, then I am all ears! Thanks for "listening" to my rambly gripe!



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I give you permission! I've been seeing a lot of bloggers unashamedly talking about letting the workbooks gather dust from before Thanksgiving to after New Year's.


I'm sure people have been doing it for years, it's just a lot easier for me personally now that we can scan workbooks, repeat relevant review lessons, and photoshop the necessary pages for "July" and "August" instead of giving up, ordering the next grade up in September, and trying to fool ourselves into thinking that it isn't going to happen again next year.


My twentysomethings don't remember their workbook pages any more, but they do remember the Christmases.

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I finally figured out a couple years ago that we can work REALLY HARD in August, then slack off in November. :)   We do the same thing in January so we can slack off in April.   


My kids are in 6th & 4th grades this year.   I intentionally lighten up on writing assignments and Read Alouds and give them more time to relax this time of year.   By April, we have a few subjects that are only scheduled for 30 weeks that naturally lighten up our load as we work toward finishing our school year mid-May.


BTW, you're doing great to have completed 14 weeks of school.   We've completed 15 but we've only taken one week off for vacation.   I'm giving my kids next week off for Thanksgiving, then we'll have 3 weeks of school in December but I will lighten those up considerably.   Come January, though, we're "full steam ahead."


As for incorporating math, handwriting, and reading in a more natural way, I don't know that I can help you there.   My kids do very well with an assignment list.   If they can see an exact list of how much they need to do, they can get it done.   If it's not written down, it WILL be forgotten.  

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Oy! I know how you feel. We finish our school year in 3 weeks (jan-Dec) and we are lagging badly. I don't feel burnt out but we are all ready to just think about the holidays. We finish the week before Christmas ....which isnt much time to enjoy it. Problem is if we stop or slack off now we won't finish our curriculum which we are so close to doing.

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I don't know what the heck is going on! I don't feel like we have been working so hard that we should be fried. We do school stuff an average of 4 days a week and we've taken tons of time off, we've done about 14 weeks of school since the beginning of July. None of us can muster up any enthusiasm for continuing on until Christmas! The kids just want to play and read and do art/craft type things. I just want to keep my house clean for once and work on Christmas projects. I think we just need a period of time where our school stuff isn't so structured. I would like to still do a few things, like math, handwriting and reading, but find more natural ways to incorporate them. I feel like I should be able to say that we can take it easy until 2014, but I can't. I wanted to be at a specific point in most of our subjects by Christmas, if we take it easy now we won't reach those points. Aaagghhh! I need to let go of my plans and just go with what we need, but that's hard to do sometimes.


Someone give me permission? And if anyone has some good ideas for how to include math, handwriting and reading in a more natural way, then I am all ears! Thanks for "listening" to my rambly gripe!

You have my permission. I'm doing the same thing. I just seriously need a break.

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My twentysomethings don't remember their workbook pages any more, but they do remember the Christmases.

Exactly!!! I've graduated 2 already and we usually take it easy and do some kind of Christmas unit and math. This year we will be doing crafts. I want to build memories not portfolios.

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Most homeschoolers I know run out of steam around the end of November and don't start back up until January. I am the same way, and I believe it is one of the greatest benefits to homeschooling. The kids and I all look forward to this time of year all year. Enjoy it!  :)

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