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Adventure/Mystery novels suitable for teens and adults


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We're planning a road trip and I could use some new suggestions for books to read or listen to.  My daughter reads a lot of YA novel series such as The Mortal Instruments, Divergent et al., etc.  My son doesn't like those nor do I think my husband and I would enjoy listening to them for several hours.  And I'd like her to switch genres up a bit.   (We have 2 12-hour drives ahead of us, plus many boring hours at grandparents' house.)  


We know about LotR, Narnia, Horatio  Hornblower, Wodehouse.  Just finished The Prisoner of Zenda as part of our English curriculum and enjoyed that.  We read Dorothy Sayers's The Nine Tailors last year and enjoyed that, but I think her books overall are a bit... quiet.   I do have The Scarlet Pimpernel on kindle so if we want to listen, I can pop for the 99 cent narration. 


Basically I'm looking for exciting grownup books (as opposed to adult books which has a certain connotation to it?) with a minimum of romance, no sex, and not too much graphic violence.   Swordfights are much beloved though. 


Dramatized Shakespeare plays on audio?  Just thought of that when I typed swordfights.


Thoughts? Thanks!  




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Sherlock, Rivers of London books, The House of Silk, Flavia de Luce books....The Moonstone ? Woman in White ? Rebecca ?


Thanks!  I forgot about Wilkie Collins, and we have both of those.  Should have mentioned Sherlock in my first post; some of us have read all/most and one refuses to do so.   I'll check out the others.   It's been a while since I read Rebecca... 


ETA:  I'm bringing some Christie even though one has turned up the nose at it as being too old/dull.   Ha!


(I always bring way too much so we have choices.  It's a long and painful trip.)



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Lots of nice ideas here.  Some books/authors I'd forgotten or just failed to consider at first.   Wonderful ideas.  We should have a good stash of stuff.  I may get The Mouse that Roared book and take along the DVD (just checked the library) for watching at in-laws' house - they may like it too and it would be a change from football.  :D  


Thanks to all! 

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Flavia de Luce books by Alan Bradley (as already mentioned)

Alexandre Dumas books (as already mentioned)

Around the World in 80 Days (audio version by Jim Dale)


For non-fiction...

Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

Pink Boots and a Machete by Mireya Mayor

The Monuments Men by Robert M. Edsel (this is being made into a movie that will be out in the next few months, starring George Clooney & Matt Damon)


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