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Had a tooth pulled this morning

Guest inoubliable

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Guest inoubliable

The procedure went well (even though I had a strange reaction to the anesthesia) and I'm home and resting. Does anyone know why I can't spit? I'm not supposed to rinse or spit until Monday. Tomorrow I can do a salt water rinse and just let it (eww) dribble out. But nothing today. I can't help the impulse to swallow saliva (and the bit of blood), though! Am I impeding the clotting process by swallowing? The assistant really spent a lot of time going over the no pressure, no spitting, no using a straw bit. 
I can't tell if I really should be trying harder not to swallow (you know, it's the suction really of swallowing that I'm talking about) or if it's the meds making me paranoid. 


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You really don't want to spit out the clot.  :scared:  Did he say no swallowing? If you are allowed to drink then you should be okay. Just don't swallow your saliva with a straw. :D  Cheer up, you'll make it! I think meds do complicate our thinking.  :grouphug:

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Guest inoubliable

Ugh. That's what I figured - the clot issue. His assistant said "no forceful swallowing". After I stopped laughing like a little jerk, I tried asking what exactly that meant but she just went on to talk about the salt water rinse for the weekend. 
I'm trying to sip apple juice and waiting to fall asleep. I'm sure I'll feel much better after all the anesthesia wears off and I've gotten some sleep. 
Thanks. :)

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I just had a wisdom tooth pulled a few weeks ago and I got a dry socket. 


OMG!! The PAIN!!!!! Seriously. I have given birth, it was less painful.


Don't spit, no straws, no smoking, be very careful when you rinse. 


There was no reason why I developed a dry socket, just women are more prone.


I wish you a speedy recovery!

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I don't know about the spitting thing. But after I had a tooth pulled, I was terrified of swallowing. Ugh, every time I swallowed I thought I was going to interfere with the stupid clot. Maybe it was the meds, but I remember being really stressed. It will be much better by tomorrow. :)

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My understanding is that when you form your mouth to spit or suck on a straw it creates a vacuum. It will pull the clot out, and you do not want to get a dry socket. They are so painful. Hope you feel better soon.



It's kinda gross, but lean your head over the sink and let the build up of saliva drip out every once in a while. Too much swallowing of blood, etc.. you might end up with a stomach ache. just my two cents.

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I had three wisdom teeth pulled while i was at boot camp when I was 31 years old. I tried to convince them that I didn't need that procedure at my age, but they were not deterred. I had dry socket like it was going out of style. The soft food they gave us to eat was PB&J and bananas. I had to peel the crust off to smush the bread down enough to get into my mouth.


One of the other girls in my division also had wisdom teeth pulled. I noticed once while she was brushing her teeth (and spitting!) that she spit out a huge clot of blood. I mentioned that she should definitely go back to the dentist and have that treated if it wasn't healing up properly. She wanted to be tough though and wouldn't go. A day or so later we were running in the gym. She wasn't very far in front of me when she just passed out and ate it face first on the floor. Lucky she didn't have any other type of damage to her skull/face!


Anyways, don't spit. Dribble. And if you have issues, go back to the dentist. :)

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