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Broken toe...Thanksgiving cooking?


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I think I broke my toe (the one next to my little toe) yesterday.  It's only two weeks until Thanksgiving.   What are the odds I'll be able to stand and move around in the kitchen enough to do that much cooking?

Sure I'm walking now...hobbling is a better descriptive word.  But the amount of standing and moving around when cooking a traditional Thanksgiving dinner is enough to make feet with unbroken toes hurt.  


I've never broken a toe that I know of so I have no idea how I'll be feeling in two weeks.  How much should I change my usual plan?   



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It takes about 4-6 weeks for the bones to heal completely. When I broke a similar toe last year, I rested it as much as I could, and I modified the way I walked, in order not to put much weight on it (even if the doctor said to walk normally.) 


My foot did get tired / started to ache after periods of standing and walking. If you are determined to stand for a long time, having a chair where you could rest your bend leg so that you keep the weight off, will be useful. It will hurt. But I don't think you can damage it further. (But maybe double check on that.)


DH broke a toe this fall. About 4 weeks into it he decided he could handle walking around the mall with the kids for about 3 hours. He said it started to hurt, and he needed to rest afterwards. But he's very stoic. 


Wishing you a speedy recovery! 

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When I broke my foot, I bought a thick, stiff pair of flip flops that conformed to the shape of my foot. They kept the pressure off and prevented my foot from bending. They were from Target, but they looked a lot like the ones sold by Croc. I wore them everywhere, in and out of the house. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation also helped when the pain grew too bad.

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Aww, you'll be fine. I spent a week skiing in Colorado with a broken toe. ;) It only hurt when I'd accidentally press down inside my boots in an instinctive attempt to propel myself UP little inclines. After a few "OOOUUUCH!" moments, I learned not to do that, lol.


Of course, I was young and tough back then. I'm weaker now. That said, I think toes generally heal very easily with little pain. I'd imagine you'll be A-OK for Thanksgiving. Of course, if you'd rather kick back and let someone else handle cooking that day, this is a great excuse, and I am all for taking the day off! :)


Hope you feel better soon!

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You'll be fine. I've broken my foot when I was younger, and a few toes. It hurts like crazy for the first week, and then is really tender for the next couple weeks, but I just took a couple Tylenol and kept going. Tape it to the toe beside it to protect it and give it a little stability. Have a high stool in your kitchen that you can rest on while you do things. Tylenol is your friend. By the two week mark though, you should be alright.

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Great info.  


Pretty much the only shoes I wear are Brooks running shoes because of an old injury in the other foot.   They aren't the most stable but they are better than going barefoot.  I do have it buddy taped to the middle toe and then all of the toes taped.  And I'm walking mostly on the heel.

DH went out and bought me a new ice pack (ours is toast) while I was at boy scouts with DS, so I can ice it properly now.  I have it in Epsom salts now while waiting for it to get cold.  

Since I always have a sore back and feet on Thanksgiving anyway.  I may milk it a bit by making the big kids do some of the cooking while I direct them.  They need to start learning more anyway.

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Great info.  


Pretty much the only shoes I wear are Brooks running shoes because of an old injury in the other foot.   They aren't the most stable but they are better than going barefoot.  I do have it buddy taped to the middle toe and then all of the toes taped.  And I'm walking mostly on the heel.


DH went out and bought me a new ice pack (ours is toast) while I was at boy scouts with DS, so I can ice it properly now.  I have it in Epsom salts now while waiting for it to get cold.  


Since I always have a sore back and feet on Thanksgiving anyway.  I may milk it a bit by making the big kids do some of the cooking while I direct them.  They need to start learning more anyway.


Watch out for causing yourself more injury by not walking correctly.  Have you gone in to get it checked out?  They can make sure it is set correctly.



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Watch out for causing yourself more injury by not walking correctly.  Have you gone in to get it checked out?  They can make sure it is set correctly.




No insurance and limited funds.  I go to the doctor when it is something major.  Everything I've read is that toes, except for the big toe, can be treated at home.  So, that's what I'm doing.

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