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Exercise Thread ~ 11/10 - 11/16


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I did nothing except clean (if that counts) yesterday. Today I walked/jogged on the treadmill 2.05 miles. Afterwards I had so much energy, I accomplished a lot on my to-do list, then I crashed and napped for about 30 min. I'm up again about to tackle getting my little ones dressed to go out and hopefully get some more of my list done, including playing with them, which takes all the energy I can muster, lol.

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SJ, I do kettlebell, it's not very heavy lifting, but heavier than the bands or small weights that are normally recommended.  I can military press 26#, deadlift 80#, squat 35# (well, I can do 44#, but only 1 or 2).  I'm not looking to increase weight right now, because I'm running too.


Today I ran 4 miles in the icy wind.  I was going to run on my treadmill, but my dd wanted to run too, so we went to the park.  The wind was brutal, but we did it. :)

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Did a round of squats, one set of bench press (ran out of time!), and then took a BodyStep class.



Any heavy lifters in this thread?

I am working on it :-). I need to get someone to teach me correct form. Right now, I am working with dumb bells....slowly building my weight. I started with 2&4 lb DBS about a year ago. I am now working with 12&15 lb with 25lb swing weight. I also use a 35lb kettle bell. Working on building that up..


Anyway, I think I am going to ask dh for some $$ for personal training and use that to learn to lift.



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Ok, so Monday and Tuesday my body said no to boot camp because I woke up both days over an hour late. Monday instead I went and played soccer with my boys, then a short hike (only 1.5 miles but quite steep). Then Jillian Michael's 30 day shred to make up the lost push-ups and such. Then took the boys to the Y and my son and I biked 8 miles on the exercise bikes and stretched. One day down.


Tuesday I got up and did my own strength exercises and stretching. Then 2 miles trail running/hiking.


Now I am at my outdoor am boot camp waiting to get out of my car until the last possible minute because my coffee is tasty. Later, 3 miles walk/run and taking the boys swimming at the Y. Anyways, gotta go. :)

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Hi, this is my first time in this thread and I'm popping in for a recommendation. I got some amazon birthday money and want to spend part of it on an exercise dvd. I've gained two pound since October, and Thanksgiving and Christmas are to come! I've been too sedentary lately and need an inexpensive video that gets me moving on days when I can't do my power walk outside.


Here's what I'm looking for:

1)low impact

2) 15 minute or so workouts that can be done at any time

3) easy to understand and implement

4) no crunches

5) nothing that requires arms going over your head, both shoulders  are in various stages of frozen shoulder.


Got any suggestions?



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I really need to start doing yoga much more often!!! Do you have a routine that you like???





I've been using YogaGlo.com online.  It's a bit pricey, but I've enjoyed it so much.  I love the yin classes that they have, as well as the huge variety of other types of classes.  Right now, most of the yoga I do is geared toward recovery, since I run and do kettlebell.  

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Hi, this is my first time in this thread and I'm popping in for a recommendation. I got some amazon birthday money and want to spend part of it on an exercise dvd. I've gained two pound since October, and Thanksgiving and Christmas are to come! I've been too sedentary lately and need an inexpensive video that gets me moving on days when I can't do my power walk outside.


Here's what I'm looking for:

1)low impact

2) 15 minute or so workouts that can be done at any time

3) easy to understand and implement

4) no crunches

5) nothing that requires arms going over your head, both shoulders are in various stages of frozen shoulder.


Got any suggestions?

Prevention magazine has a line of DVDs you might like. The instructor is Christina Freytag U think. Also there is so much free on YouTube and Hulu that I might put my money towards equipment or supportive shoes rather than videos.

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I am working on it :-). I need to get someone to teach me correct form. Right now, I am working with dumb bells....slowly building my weight. I started with 2&4 lb DBS about a year ago. I am now working with 12&15 lb with 25lb swing weight. I also use a 35lb kettle bell. Working on building that up..


Anyway, I think I am going to ask dh for some $$ for personal training and use that to learn to lift.




I bet you can get by without shelling out money for a trainer.  There are tons of tutorials online.  What types of movements do you do?  I prefer functional movements that incorporate as much of the body as possible, I'm all about efficiency!  Here you can find detailed descriptions of my favorite moves.  Jamie Eason's Live Fit is popular with some of the ladies at my gym and it has videos explaining all the lifts.  


Once you learn a movement but you want to ensure your form is ok you can post a video of yourself in the forums at myfitnesspal.com.  There are plenty of knowledgeable people there that can check your form and give you tips.


Keep picking up heavy things and putting them back down again ;)

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I bet you can get by without shelling out money for a trainer. There are tons of tutorials online. What types of movements do you do? I prefer functional movements that incorporate as much of the body as possible, I'm all about efficiency! Here you can find detailed descriptions of my favorite moves. Jamie Eason's Live Fit is popular with some of the ladies at my gym and it has videos explaining all the lifts.


Once you learn a movement but you want to ensure your form is ok you can post a video of yourself in the forums at myfitnesspal.com. There are plenty of knowledgeable people there that can check your form and give you tips.


Keep picking up heavy things and putting them back down again ;)

I'll dissent here a bit. While you certainly don't need a trainer, if you can afford even a few sessions with a trainer to learn form, you really can learn a lot and reduce your chance of injury. I was fortunate enough to work with a personal trainer for several months (it was a program offered via my husband's employer) and I learned so much more than I ever had before, even through years of high activity and weight training. A good trainer is worth it, big time.

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I'll dissent here a bit. While you certainly don't need a trainer, if you can afford even a few sessions with a trainer to learn form, you really can learn a lot and reduce your chance of injury. I was fortunate enough to work with a personal trainer for several months (it was a program offered via my husband's employer) and I learned so much more than I ever had before, even through years of high activity and weight training. A good trainer is worth it, big time.


I agree, a good personal trainer can be worth the money.  Depending on the cost, what you can afford, and what you are hoping to learn would depend on whether it is worth it.  At the gym I attend the smallest package you can purchase is four sessions and the price starts at $280 (some trainers cost more).  IMO if you are looking to learn a few basic lifting movements it is not worth that price unless you have some physical limitations or injuries.  


DH and the boys bought me a PT package for Christmas last year.  While I didn't really learn many new things from the trainer he did design some pretty badass workouts for me.  I have two sessions left but I probably won't buy another package.

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10-Minute Solution Quick Tummy Trimmers - want to do more, but this is a busy morning. Our daughter's about to get on a plane with my parents. They're heading for the U.S. and a nice vacation. I'm so happy for her, but I'll miss her like mad. I've never been away from her for more than one or two nights.


Hi, this is my first time in this thread and I'm popping in for a recommendation. 

Great to see you here. :) Because I'm busy this morning, I have no time to reply. I will get back to you either later today or as soon as I can. 


Has anyone tried p90x? I found it on Craigslist for $45 and am wondering if it's worth it.

I tried it once. Didn't like it. Many love it. I thought it was dry. DVDs are so subjective. I would try to view a few video samples first and see if it's what you like. It is very high-intensity if that's what you're after. 


For the Yoga enthusiasts among you. An article to ponder, please read this New York Times article. My mother did yoga for 20 years and at 75 she had both hips replaced. Her replacement may be due to age but may be due to yoga. 

Off to read this later. Thank you for sharing. 

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I've done lap swimming 2x this week.  I still can't kick properly (knee injury) but at least I'm moving my body.  This morning I'm doing my sheet of knee rehab exercises and stretching.


I was feeling sorry for myself at the gym because I still can't bike or do the elliptical but as I was getting out of the pool and hobbling over to my crutches I watched a woman helping her husband out of his wheel chair into the pool lift.   Oh yeah, I'm a big baby- but Perspective noted.

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20 minute walk followed by 10 minutes of some work out with hand weights, wall push ups, planks, and cool down. It was going to be longer outside, but there were a couple of loose dogs running in the neighborhood. If you saw my post about my dog incident this week, I didn't want a repeat. 



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Boot camp this morning. The instructor decided to have us do a crazy hard series of sets including what I am calling evil push-ups (down low, up half way, all the way down again and then all the way up, slowly.) I will be feeling those all day. I am taking my sons to hike later this afternoon as well.

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Nothing today.  I was supposed to run, but it's that time of the month and I feel drained.  


The yoga article was interesting.  One thing that I read, that didn't read true to me was the statement that yoga teachers will tell students to push through the pain.  I've never heard that, in fact, I always hear the opposite, to not push past your edge.  Respect your limits.  But maybe I've only heard a certain type of teacher.  


I only do gentle yoga, and I will never be that flexible, plus I run, which is great for hip strength.  But I could see how, that if a woman never did any weight bearing exercises and focused only on flexibility, it could be bad.  

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20 minute walk followed by 10 minutes of some work out with hand weights, wall push ups, planks, and cool down. It was going to be longer outside, but there were a couple of loose dogs running in the neighborhood. If you saw my post about my dog incident this week, I didn't want a repeat. 


I got in another 20 minute walk while waiting for my dd. 

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Here's what I'm looking for:

1)low impact

2) 15 minute or so workouts that can be done at any time

3) easy to understand and implement

4) no crunches

5) nothing that requires arms going over your head, both shoulders  are in various stages of frozen shoulder.


Got any suggestions?

I would suggest a Leslie Sansone DVD.

They are low-impact - even though some of have light jogging intervals, you're not forced to do them. 

You can do 1 Mile (15 minutes) at a time. 

Very user-friendly and easy to implement. 

No crunches.

When she asks you to lift your arms, you don't have to. She always says that you don't have to do everything she says. 

HTH. If you need specifics as to which ones I love the most, I can list them for you. 

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I would suggest a Leslie Sansone DVD.

They are low-impact - even though some of have light jogging intervals, you're not forced to do them. 

You can do 1 Mile (15 minutes) at a time. 

Very user-friendly and easy to implement. 

No crunches.

When she asks you to lift your arms, you don't have to. She always says that you don't have to do everything she says. 

HTH. If you need specifics as to which ones I love the most, I can list them for you. 


Thanks! I'll check them out.

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Doing a whole week at once because...I just never posted this week. Mon &Tue -4 mile run, Wed-3 mile walk and yoga, Thu -4 mi run and yoga class, Fri-5 mi run( which felt great, time usually cuts me short), getting ready to go on a 5 mi trail walk with dh this morning as soon as it's light enough to see.

*** A question for you ladies who lift/ use weights. I mostly do push ups, pull ups and yoga poses for abs. Is it really worth investing in some kettle balls? Christmas is coming...trying to decide whether I want another pair of running tights or some weights.

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I'm pool bound today on my second day of laps 3x a week. One hour each session, trying for 64 laps (1 mile).


For the Yoga enthusiasts among you. An article to ponder, please read this New York Times article. My mother did yoga for 20 years and at 75 she had both hips replaced. Her replacement may be due to age but may be due to yoga.

Well, yikes! I've been doing yoga because my hips are twingy. I've done it off and on since college but upped it lately because of some sciatica I put down to running on 50 year old hips. Now another worry. (insert grumpy emoticon my iPad won't let me access)
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Thurs - TRX (still sore from that!)

Fri - BodyStep

Sat - BodyStep


Is there anyone here who takes Les Mills classes?  They are super popular at the gym I attend and they make up the bulk of my workouts.  It is what keeps me in the gym, I don't see myself trucking away on a treadmill or elliptical everyday.

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Doing a whole week at once because...I just never posted this week. Mon &Tue -4 mile run, Wed-3 mile walk and yoga, Thu -4 mi run and yoga class, Fri-5 mi run( which felt great, time usually cuts me short), getting ready to go on a 5 mi trail walk with dh this morning as soon as it's light enough to see.

*** A question for you ladies who lift/ use weights. I mostly do push ups, pull ups and yoga poses for abs. Is it really worth investing in some kettle balls? Christmas is coming...trying to decide whether I want another pair of running tights or some weights.



Yoga is an excellent compliment to running and walking.  You can get stronger with yoga.  I do kettlebell because you get can get stronger faster with weights.  Weights are more efficient, and can especially help with upper body strength.  I love yoga, and if you do a strong yoga practice you can improve your core strength, as well as lower body and some upper body (if you put more focus on it).


I wouldn't get weights unless you are interested in weights.  I had a nagging injury a few years back that required a lot less running.  I got into kettlebells which is a bit different than traditional weights in that the movements tend not to be as static.  I like to move. :)  I enjoy kettlebell, and I like that I can work on strength, which is something I've never had (I was always the skinny weakling :D )  


You can look into kettlebell or weightlifting.  There are some great resources online. But if you're happy with your routine you should stick with what you like. 

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