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Does the sound of chewing make you want to barf/punch things?


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OK. I'm popping back in to add that I found this on the Wiki page. (I know, I know, but I thought it was interesting!)



"It has been suggested that there is a connection between misophonia and synesthesia, a neurological condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.[15] The basic problem may be a pathological distortion of connections between various limbic structures and the auditory cortex, causing sound-emotion synesthesia.[16] There are people with both misophonia and synesthesia, and many people with synesthesia have more than one form of synesthesia (there are over 60 reported types).[17] Misophonia may very well be another type of synesthesia."


So---- does anyone else who is annoyed by noises have synesthesia? I do!



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I have not read replies, but yes, it's actually so bad for me that I eat meals in a separate room from my family. It actually makes me wretch and shake and get very very angry. I actually went to the doctor for it and found out it's an anxiety and/or obsessive compulsive disorder. I went on anxiety meds (I literally wanted to hurt my family) and it's 98% better now...but it also helped a TON of other things I didn't realize was a problem. Now that I'm on them, I feel soooo much better and my marriage is safe (it wasn't safe before...mostly b/c of the chewing..oh yeah, and my husband's breathing, etc). My husband is very anti med...especially for anxiety, depression, etc. and HE actually asked me to go to a doctor because I was out of control. I'm so glad I did.

Are you able to eat with the family now? Did you notice any differences in anything else with taking the medication?

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My 10 yr old daughter has this!  I have thought it was just because she is on the autism spectrum. 

It is so bad and the rest of us are miserable because she will rage and tantrum.  She has to have seperate mealtimes and no one is allowed to eat near her.  We can no longer snack during movies or on car trips, and the rest of my kids are so upset with her.   She can't handle going out to eat anymore.   I am desperate to find help for her, but don't know where to turn. 

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yup.  to the point that I do no sit at the table to eat when my children do, I eat in a separate room.  Extended family gatherings when I can't get away with taking my meal elsewhere I inhale it as fast as possible so I can leave teh table and not hear it anymore.  Just the chewing is bad enough, but if they chew with their mouths open I want to b*tch slap them, perfect strangers in a food court can give me that urge.  Add in the sound of them scraping their utensils on their dish and I turn into a completely different person.  I never want to barf, but if someone tries to talk to me right then I am liable to start ranting at them.  My blood pressure/adrenaline goes up so much when I hear those things that I find myself working hard to just maintain my cool.  Once the noises stop I start feeling it lower and within 10 minutes I am just fine, cheerful etc.  But heaven help anyone who crosses me while someone is eating in the background like that.  Babies I can typically handle it until they are closer to 2 then it starts being horrid.  3 out of 4 of mine learned to eat with closed mouths away from me by 2.5, my 4th still chews with her mouth open even after constant reminders and I have raised my voice about it when it is too much to deal with (like if they get chips or popcorn while watching a movie)It's been that way since I was a kid.  I spent a lot of time getting scolded at the dinner table or grounded when I couldn't deal with it anymore and would snap at someone or just leave the table.  At least as an adult I do not have to sit there and listen to it.

I do not go to movie theatres if I can help it, because the blaring of the movie combined with the people chewing, snorting, talking, etc makes me want to go postal.  There is other noises I can stand, and then there is so many noises that never phase me or that I seemingly never hear at all without completely focusing on it (getting to get bad about hearing people talking in normal circumstances). 

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I have not read replies, but yes, it's actually so bad for me that I eat meals in a separate room from my family. It actually makes me wretch and shake and get very very angry. I actually went to the doctor for it and found out it's an anxiety and/or obsessive compulsive disorder. I went on anxiety meds (I literally wanted to hurt my family) and it's 98% better now...but it also helped a TON of other things I didn't realize was a problem. Now that I'm on them, I feel soooo much better and my marriage is safe (it wasn't safe before...mostly b/c of the chewing..oh yeah, and my husband's breathing, etc). My husband is very anti med...especially for anxiety, depression, etc. and HE actually asked me to go to a doctor because I was out of control. I'm so glad I did.



I am so glad you found some relief!



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Wow.  Just wow.  I can tell my husband he is in very good company!  My kids have been trained from an early age to chew with their mouths closed.  When they have friends over for dinner, the first thing they get is a reminder from my husband that they must chew with their mouths closed or else eat in the garage (he would not do this, but he would leave the table if the offensive chewing continued).  He gives me dirty looks if I forget and chomp on a piece of gum.  I always tell him I don't MEAN to do it, but after reading your replies, I think I have underestimated the response that it triggers. 


Oh, and the sound of our cats drinking water from the bowl or giving themselves a bath also annoys him greatly.  The cats usually get something thrown at them if they lick too long!



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Are you able to eat with the family now? Did you notice any differences in anything else with taking the medication?

Yes, I can eat with my family now, but have to have something playing in the background. We usually leave the TV on in another room. Just something else to focus on.  YES, I notice a ton about me that I didn't realize were problems. I no longer want to punch my husband for mouth breathing. I can handle my daughter touching me (I don't like people touching me..including my own family...that's much better now).  I can be in confined spaces a little better now...still bothers me, but I don't want to rip my skin off anymore.  There's many many other changes that it has made in me but those are the ones right off hand.  The eating problem was a catalyst for me going to the doctor though. I wanted to kill people...and that was not healthy as you can imagine.

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OK. I'm popping back in to add that I found this on the Wiki page. (I know, I know, but I thought it was interesting!)



"It has been suggested that there is a connection between misophonia and synesthesia, a neurological condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.[15] The basic problem may be a pathological distortion of connections between various limbic structures and the auditory cortex, causing sound-emotion synesthesia.[16] There are people with both misophonia and synesthesia, and many people with synesthesia have more than one form of synesthesia (there are over 60 reported types).[17] Misophonia may very well be another type of synesthesia."


So---- does anyone else who is annoyed by noises have synesthesia? I do!



I have synesthesia but I'm not annoyed by noises.
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