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remedial spelling help for high school?

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We are doing Spelling Power as well.  It does take time with the parent, but seems to be doing the trick.  It's really nice that you can do a pretest that tells you where to start.  I just began the FINAL level (K) with my sophmore son....woohoo!  Spelling has always be difficult for him.  BTW...I started my this program about 3 years ago with both my sons (2nd child is in 7th grade), and the younger one is finishing a little ahead.  So it seems to work with natural spellers as well.



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You can try Sequential Spelling, it's working out for my dd. We also use another spelling program but she said she likes the Sequential Spelling better.


I second this.  I use this with my ds14, who is dyslexic.


The program now has an associated student workbook, which I find unnecessary.  I simply use the lists in the teacher book.  I make up silly sentences, which appeals to my goofy boy.  It is quick and painless, in my opinion.  I doubted that my son could learn to spell successfully, but SS has worked miracles around here.


Nancy in NH

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If you have ongoing spelling issues, but don't really want to use a spelling program per se, then I would highly recommend a self-correction methodology for helping improve spelling.  It is ideal for high schoolers because they are usually beyond daily spelling lessons types of issues.  Spelling errors are usually in less common words. 


Our DS had very difficult problems with spelling on an ongoing basis due to severe dyslexia, so I went digging in the research to find out what is effective for significant spelling issues that we could not correct even with hours upon hours of instruction.  I found multiple research studies that document the effectiveness of the self-correction method in correcting spelling errors.  We used it and my DS FINALLY learned how to spell who, what, when, where, and a whole host of other words that are not spelled exactly like they sound.  That's what we did and it worked well for us!

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If you have ongoing spelling issues, but don't really want to use a spelling program per se, then I would highly recommend a self-correction methodology for helping improve spelling.  It is ideal for high schoolers because they are usually beyond daily spelling lessons types of issues.  Spelling errors are usually in less common words. 


Our DS had very difficult problems with spelling on an ongoing basis due to severe dyslexia, so I went digging in the research to find out what is effective for significant spelling issues that we could not correct even with hours upon hours of instruction.  I found multiple research studies that document the effectiveness of the self-correction method in correcting spelling errors.  We used it and my DS FINALLY learned how to spell who, what, when, where, and a whole host of other words that are not spelled exactly like they sound.  That's what we did and it worked well for us!


Even though I don't have kids this age, I would like to comment on this method.  My dh has always struggled with spelling due to mild dyslexia.  I spent a lot of time editing his thesis for his Master's degree just for mostly spelling issues.  Several years later and after having spell check on all the time on MS Word his spelling has improved and he says it is entirely because it highlights a misspelled word as he types and it and he can see immediately that it is wrong.  He is still not the world's best speller, but it has helped him.  He still will not send anything to anyone unless it is typed on a computer with spell check.  Just for some encouragement he is in a STEM field and is now doing lots of management so the spelling has not held him back.

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