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My first stumbling block...


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My dd7 is having trouble with the time chapter in MM2.  When we started the chapter, she could tell time to the quarter hour, was familiar with a calendar, days of the week, and the months of the year.  What she picked up from the chapter was time to the 5 mins, how many minutes past the hour, and elapsed time as in in two days from now, 2 weeks, 5 mins, or 2 hours, etc...  She, however, does NOT get how many minutes till the hour such as taking 3:50 and saying 10 minutes till 4 or taking 10 minutes till 4 and converting it to 3:50.  She, also, does not get elapsed time when it crosses the 12 o'clock hour like how many hours from 8 AM to 4 PM.  My dd8 picked it up with some difficulty, but she now gets it.


I'm trying to decide if I should stick with time longer until she gets this, go on and come back to review later in the year or maybe, even wait to revisit in 3rd grade.  She's a young second grader having just turned 7 in May so I am really leaning toward revisiting in 3rd grade.  What do you all think?  I don't want her to get frustrated, but I don't want to make her 3rd grade math harder, either.  Did any of your kiddos have a hard time with this?  Thanks!



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MM 3rd grade does have some more problems on "till" and "past" for clock, so you'd probably be okay revisiting it next year. I've found that with math, sometimes waiting to look at it again makes things click, without doing any extra work during the wait.

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My dd7 had exactly the same issue.  I just dropped it, and plan to revisit it in a few months.  Sometimes things just click later, after they've had a chance to let it "cook" for awhile.


So, i literally took the pages out of the binder, and put them back in a few chapters later.  If she still struggles with it then, I'll do the same thing.  I expect she'll get it down by the end of the year, but I'm not going to stress about it till then!   ;)   I don't think this one is a hill to die on.

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I skipped some of those clock problems because just talking it through seemed to work better for ds. What I had him do for the 'how many hours' between 8 am and 4 pm is use a play clock or a regular clock without batteries and we moved the hour hand and counted out loud " 1 hour, 2 hours... etc..." while moving the hour hand. I'm not confident that he understands it completely to be able to do it on his own but it's exposing him to the concept. You can always revisit it. When doing the minutes I remind him to count by fives at each 'number' as we go around the clock, then stop where the minute hand is. I wouldn't worry too much, just come back if she gets frustrated and resists.

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We just skipped right past the clock chapter in MM2 the other day. :-). DS hates the time chapters with a passion, but can read my wristwatch ( counting by 5s) if need be - because if he asks the time, I make him figure it out. I'm mean like that! LOL. I think time is one thing that we will definitely be working on "organically". It doesn't seem to bother him, as long as it's not on paper.

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Grasping time is a developmental milestone and we all hit it at different times.  If you do any research on brain development, time is just one of those things that you have to be ready for.  Waiting and returning to it the next year really makes more sense to me.  Give her brain time to make the necessary connections and changes instead of drilling until you both hate it.

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