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DD brag. and a question


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So dd is almost 6 (in December). We have been slowly exploring multiplication for awhile but it just wasn't clicking for memorizing. She understands the method but just couldn't memorize them for some reason. In the last week she has memorized 2-4 tables and moving on to 5s tomorrow!


Imaginary friends....grrr. She's got an imaginary friend named Addison. Apparently Addison is a little brat and is like dd's alter-ego. Anyone else deal with this? She has a very developed world surrounding Addison.

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My kids' doll / bear morph into Addison when my kids think better of smarting off themselves.  LOL.  I generally just play along.  They love it when I initiate it myself - e.g., "Doll, did you make this mess?  When is your mom going to teach you to pick up after yourself?"

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Dd had an assortment of imaginary friends when she was 3 or 4. Once she told us that her favorite and most frequently mentioned imaginary friend "bannie" (like Annie with a b") did something wrong. We explained that she would receive punishment in the future for anything Bannie did. That was the last time Bannie broke the rules at our house.

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Dd had 20 imaginary children at age 2. When she was 5, she had an imaginary twin brother. The number of imaginary multiples increased until they became "18-oplets." She still sometimes has her dolls do her schoolwork if she's feeling stubborn and doesn't want to give in and do it herself. The imaginative force is strong with this one, lol.

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My kids haven't tried blaming actual offenses on Bear/Doll.  However, they have tried saying "I did that, but it was a long time ago, when I was a baby."  You know, like writing in cursive on some forbidden surface.  LOL.  My kid sister did the same thing 30 years ago, so it doesn't faze me.  I just act like I never heard the nonsensical fib and reprimand as appropriate.

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DD has a character that she seems to imbibe everything she would never do (among other things, this character has an annoying little brother with whom she takes sibling rivalry to "would be fatal in the real world" levels-but it doesn't phase them any more than it does Coyote and Road Runner). She does keep it to telling stories about her characters, though.



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OMG yes that's it I think she's testing what is okay and isn't okay. Though the other day she says to me "mommy Addison doesn't know what love is." We have talked a bit with her about adoption since we are on that journey but not about why the kids are in foster care. I am suspecting she is exploring the world and big issues through Addison.

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When my current 15 year old was 2, he had an imaginary friend named "Gocky-Gock." DS would sing long, mostly improvised songs about him.  Our favorite always began with "When Gocky-Gock was little, he wouldn't play with me."  The songs went on and on about unfairness but usually everything ended up ok by the end of the song.


Gocky-Gock seemed to incorporate all of those negative traits DS saw in peers and himself at preschool and play-dates with friends....

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I feel better about it. I don't mind the imaginary friend but just wanted to make sure it was not abnormal that her friend was "misbehaving" or asking deep questions. We did talk to this morning about how we are going to adopt and how some kids don't know how to love like she does.

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