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Mystery books for a 10yo girl


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American Girl History Mysteries.



These are NOT the American Girl series that features the doll characters. I think the series is out of print, but my local library has them. We really liked the Jamestown one, that I linked above.

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If she hasn't already read them Trixie Belden is great fun. They are slightly harder then Nancy Drews. Both dd and I loved these at that age.


If she wants more advanced some Agatha Christie's work. I hate to provide a list because what was fine for my dd crimewise might be different for your dd but Tommy and Tuppence are where we started.

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The Roman Mysteries series, by Caroline Lawrence has been a hit here for this age group.  Set in ancient Rome, a plucky boy and girl solve non-threatening mysteries.  This same author also has a couple of Western themed mysteries for the same age group.


"The Mystery of the Third Lucretia", by Susan Runholt, is set in modern Europe with lots of art history thrown in.  First of a series


The Jaguar Stones series is more of an adventure, but probably would be appreciated by her.




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Trixie Belden! :)


Zilpha Keatley Snyder's Stanley Family series, and The Velvet Room.


The Ghost of Dibble Hollow.  I often see vintage Scholastic titles, many of them mysteries, at local thrift stores.  I read a lot of those while growing up.


The Three Investigators series -- check library & thrift stores.  The first dozen or so in the series are the best; the first few are the very best, IMO.


Wylly Folk St. John -- Secret of the Seven Crows, Mystery of the Gingerbread House, etc. Probably a library search for these.


Phyllis A. Whitney wrote juvenile mysteries too.  I read many of them and loved them.  Again, a library search.



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Your DD might like these, as they are shorter, but are older and so have solid vocabulary, are clever and well-written:


- Basil of Baker Street (Titus) -- and sequels; a Sherlock Holmes mouse

- The Rescuers, Miss Bianca, The Turret, Miss Bianca in the Salt Mines, Miss Bianca in the Orient (Sharp) -- adventure with mice protagonists who rescue prisoners, with suspense and a little bit of mystery



One of our DSs loved mysteries at that age. He really liked a number of the books listed below. He also really got hooked on mini-mystery collections. And short story collections can be very satisfying for slower readers:


Mini-Mystery Collections
- Encyclopedia Brown series (Sobel)

- Little Giant Book of Whodunits (Conrad)
- Whodunit: You Decide! (Conrad)
- Almost Perfect Crimes (Conrad)
- Historical Whodunit (Conrad)
- You Be the Jury series (Miller)
- Solv-A-Crime (Singer/Gordon)
- Case Closed, and others by Obrist 
- Dr. Quicksolve series -- Sukach 
- Two Minute Mysteries; More Two Minute Mysteries; Still More Two Minute Mysteries (Sobol)


Regular-length pre-teen mysteries

- The Invention of Hugo Cabret (Selznick)

- Mysterious Benedict Society (Stewart)

- Samurai mystery series (Hoobler) -- boy protagonist; 1700s Japan
- Roman mystery series (Lawrence) -- girl protagonist; ancient Rome
- Detectives in Togas; Mystery of the Roman Ransom (Winterfeld) -- boys; ancient Rome
- The Three Investigators series (Alfred Hitchcock) -- boys; written in the 1950s/60s
- Baker Street Irregulars (by Robert Newman) -- and others by Newman: Case of the Threatened King; Case of the Vanishing Corpse; Case of the Watching Boy; Case of the Somerville Secret; Case of the Etruscan Treasure; Case of the Indian Curse; Case of the Murdered Players

- Mandie series (Lois Leppard) -- Christian; girl protagonist


Vintage mystery series for pre-teens:

- Five on a Treasure Island (Blyton) -- and others in the series (this was the best, at least from my childhood memories... ;))

- Hardy Boys

- Nancy Drew

- Bobbsey Twins

- Happy Hollisters


Books that show up on "quality" or "classic" lists that are mysteries or mystery-like

- From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (Konigsburg)

- Shakespeare Stealer (Blackwood)

A Murder for Her Majesty (Hilgartner) -- historical setting; girl protagonist

- Chasing Vermeer (Bailliet) -- and others by this author; girl protagonist

- Baker Street Irregulars (Newman)

- The Great and Terrible Quest (Lovett)

- Detectives in Togas (Winterfeld)


For adult classic mysteries, your DD might try Sherlock Holmes short stories by Conan Doyle. You might start with "Mr. Sherlock Holmes" and "The Science of Deduction" for the intro to the characters in the first collection of stories (Study in Scarlet), and then skip down to other collections for some very accessible stories: "The Baker Street Irregulars", "A Scandal in Bohemia", "The Red-Headed League", "Blue Carbuncle" ... 

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