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What is your favorite apple recipe?


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My oldest loves to make sliced apple and goat cheese pizza.   He usually just used a rectangle wrap (we buy them at Costco - they have a great price on goat cheese as well) as the crust,  He broils it until the cheese softens.  Loves to make them for an afternoon snack.


I know there are recipes for apple goat cheese and carmelized onion pizza as well online.

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We love apple butter pork chops...in addition to the apple butter (obviously), the recipe also calls for two apples.


We also love pumpkin and apple bread. We just demolished two loaves of it this weekend.


And, as long as Thanksgiving looms on the horizon (or, is almost over, if you're in Canada), spiced apple-cranberry pie is also popular here.

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Slices of apple spread with chunky peanut butter and topped with a bit of sharp cheddar.


chicken or turkey salad with chunks of apple, mayo, curry, garam masala.


pork chops rubbed with equal parts cinnamon, black pepper, and salt, served topped with an apple chutney (I used to have a recipe for the chutney, but now I basically wing it based on ingredients from several recipes and tasting as we go).

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We had this for dinner last night and it was really good.  Bratwurst, onions, cabbage and apples. Very tasty. 


But my favorite apple recipe is my mom's apple crisp.  She makes the best topping ever.  It's not crumbly like most toppings, especially those with oats in it, it's kinda .... squooshy and yet crunchy.  Hard to describe. 

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