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"Just text me"


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My 16-year-old daughter was up all night vomiting and when I checked on her early this morning, I could tell she had a fever.  Since I knew she wouldn't be able to attend her DE class this morning, I decided to just let her sleep.


Around 8 a.m., I heard my cell phone ding indicating a text message.  Everyone knows that I don't like to text/talk on the phone during school so I was curious to see who sent me a text.


:laugh:   The text was from my daughter asking if she could have some ice chips since it had been a few hours since her last vomiting session.  


I brought my daughter some ice chips (her room is upstairs on the other side of the house) and I tried to do anything to give her some comfort.  Just before I left, I told her to text me again for anything and she said in a weary voice, "Mom, it used to be that you would give us a bell to ring."    I asked her if she would like me to exchange her beloved cell phone for a bell and the shocked look on her face was priceless as she held tight to her phone just in case I wasn't joking. :laugh:


She is weak, but she has her play-away book on tape, her MP3, her laptop, and her cell phone.  She just sent me a text saying she heard back from her college professor with today's assignments and asked me to bring up her textbook and some more ice chips.


Modern technology + a stomach bug = an easier life for me.  I haven't had to make unnecessary trips up and down the stairs since she can tell me what she needs.  



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Sometimes my son and I will fb message each other from across the room, just because it's so absurd it's funny.

DH and I text (well.....message with the iPads) across the living room all the time. Especially when the kids or his parents are here and we are discussing something we don't want thier input on!

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