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Lazy wife?


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I'm not a wife. I have George. Only this weekend I decamped to my parents so that I don't have to cook.George can't cook. If George could cook and do dishes I would marry him.

We have a George. Only his name is Wall-E. He's starting to slack because I don't clean him out like I should. Because I'm lazy. If he gets much worse, I'll have to get a new one.

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It's 4pm and I just showered.



Me too!  Except it's 6pm here.


I have you both beat.


Yesterday, I didn't shower until 9:30pm.  Do I win the Shower Laziness award? :tongue_smilie:


My lazy day yesterday went like this:  Woke up, had coffee made and served to me by dh, got dressed and ran a brush through my hair and left for dd's soccer game. All of that transpired in 30 minutes.


So, at the soccer game, I sat~ dh carried the chairs to and from the field, set them up, and folded them. Then, I sat in dh's car as we went for a joyride in the beautiful weather.


After that, I sat on the recliner and watched ds' uni football team play a 'big game'. After it was over, I sat some more listening to the sports talking heads yell and scream about excited plays of other games that I have no interest in just because I was too lazy to get up and leave the room.


By then, it was 9:30, so I showered and then fell into bed where I watched an episode ot Star Trek (gotta have me a Patrick Stewart fix!) and then turned off the TV because I was too lazy to use the Roku to put another episode on.


I had a very lazy day yesterday!


Oh, oh.... and during the football game (during commercials and while the other team had the ball), I read a very long and interesting thread during which I felt like I had been "had". Even though I desperately wanted to post, I was too lazy and waited until I had finished the entire thing. Then it was gone. :thumbdown:


Today is starting out like yesterday.... it's nearly lunch time and I'm sitting here drinking my coffee (again, made and served by dh), and I'm still in my jammies. I have, however, brushed my hair, 'cause I have to have nicely brushed hair, 'ya know?

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I had a very lazy day yesterday!


Oh, oh.... and during the football game (during commercials and while the other team had the ball), I read a very long and interesting thread during which I felt like I had been "had". Even though I desperately wanted to post, I was too lazy and waited until I had finished the entire thing. Then it was gone. :thumbdown:


Today is starting out like yesterday.... it's nearly lunch time and I'm sitting here drinking my coffee (again, made and served by dh), and I'm still in my jammies. I have, however, brushed my hair, 'cause I have to have nicely brushed hair, 'ya know?


Sounds divine!

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Yesterday, I was very lazy.  I slept until 11am!  And then I did nothing that adds up to anything of consequence whatsoever.  I didn't even cook.  Dh grilled hotdogs and made oven fries.  I didn't even load up my own plate or squirt my own mustard. I did take a bath, but it was a soak-in-the-tub bath.  I needed to shave my legs, but I wrangled dh into doing it for me.


Today... well, it is nearly 3pm and today is looking much like yesterday.


Tomorrow, though... sorry... but I have to go back into work mode. :(

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All you overachievers.... Showering!!








I did not even shower yesterday. Or cook. Or clean. Or ..... Anything that required getting off my butt except when we had to go pick up the car from the dealership where it was getting fixed, at which time we had Rotten Ronnie's for supper.


I DID make a mind map of expectations for my kids re: school,attitudes, and CHORES that we will be implementing this week tied to a points/allowance system so they can earn screen time on the weekends and a little cash. It is hardcore - Boot Camp, Mom-Style.

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All you overachievers.... Showering!!








I did not even shower yesterday. Or cook. Or clean. Or ..... Anything that required getting off my butt except when we had to go pick up the car from the dealership where it was getting fixed, at which time we had Rotten Ronnie's for supper.


I DID make a mind map of expectations for my kids re: school,attitudes, and CHORES that we will be implementing this week tied to a points/allowance system so they can earn screen time on the weekends and a little cash. It is hardcore - Boot Camp, Mom-Style.


Ummm, who's the overachiever?   :tongue_smilie:

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I slept in until noon today. I slept through my alarm. I came running out of my bedroom all freaking out because I have 3 unattended children to find out my oldest decided I must be really tired if I was still sleeping. She made cereal for everyone for breakfast, helped youngest get out of his night underwear, and in general had everything handled. I took her to her favorite restaurant for lunch as a reward. The other kids came, too, but she was really awesome.


I told her not to ever let me sleep that late again. She said she'd get me up if I wasn't up by 9, but that we didn't have school and football doesn't start until lunch time so she thought it would be okay.

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Ummm, who's the overachiever? :tongue_smilie:

Won't be me when the kids are doing their own laundry, cleaning their own bathroom, and helping with meals and dishes. ;) None of which they do on a regular basis right now. I'm working my way up to being even lazier. :D


The mind map was junk already floating around in my head, I just got out the smelly markers, a paper, plopped in front of the t.v, and made it in about 10 minutes. Assigned points, and done.


Oh and after all that hard work, thinking, I slept in until 1 p.m. today. LOL

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Won't be me when the kids are doing their own laundry, cleaning their own bathroom, and helping with meals and dishes. ;) None of which they do on a regular basis right now. I'm working my way up to being even lazier. :D


The mind map was junk already floating around in my head, I just got out the smelly markers, a paper, plopped in front of the t.v, and made it in about 10 minutes. Assigned points, and done.


Oh and after all that hard work, thinking, I slept in until 1 p.m. today. LOL


Ah, ok - I get it now.  My lazy brain wasn't firing on all cylinders when I first read that.   :p


Minimal upfront effort to enable exponentially greater laziness.  Brilliant!    :D

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Get this!

Someone just posted this on another thread:
"Also, a big thing that they don't tell you about sun and Vit D is that you cannot take a shower every day. The D needs 24 hours to process in your skin, and you will wash it away if you shower every day. Another reason Americans are so D deficient."


My virtue increases.

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Yesterday, I was very lazy.  I slept until 11am!  And then I did nothing that adds up to anything of consequence whatsoever.  I didn't even cook.  Dh grilled hotdogs and made oven fries.  I didn't even load up my own plate or squirt my own mustard. I did take a bath, but it was a soak-in-the-tub bath.  I needed to shave my legs, but I wrangled dh into doing it for me.


Today... well, it is nearly 3pm and today is looking much like yesterday.


THAT is a beautiful testimony!


Brought a tear to my eye.





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I slept in until noon today. I slept through my alarm. I came running out of my bedroom all freaking out because I have 3 unattended children to find out my oldest decided I must be really tired if I was still sleeping. She made cereal for everyone for breakfast, helped youngest get out of his night underwear, and in general had everything handled. I took her to her favorite restaurant for lunch as a reward. The other kids came, too, but she was really awesome.


I told her not to ever let me sleep that late again. She said she'd get me up if I wasn't up by 9, but that we didn't have school and football doesn't start until lunch time so she thought it would be okay.

omdg, what a sweet, sweet child!

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