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If you weren't a parent, what...

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Realistically, I would be a teacher. Elementary Education. Fantasy, I would be working in Forensics of some sort. With no kids, I would be pursueing a degree in Criminology at our local college, and (REAL fantasy now!) do an internship at the Body Farm and study at Quantico. I would love to do Profiling. I know it's not super glamorous, but psychology and the criminal mind fascinate me. Why do people turn evil? Why are they killing brown eyed, brown haired girls? What kind of person would do THIS particular crime? Notice that the crimes occur at the same time. It's a full moon, or it's the Ides of March. Whatever...it's like a puzzle to me. And I *LOVE* puzzles.


She seems to be very interested in forensics and watches these types of shows on TV, although I've wondered at times if that's a good idea for a girl her age. It doesn't seem to give her nightmares, so I've allowed her to do this, just in case she ever decides to pursue something like this. My husband is interested in this subject, too! I suspect, though, that she'll probably go into a more literature-related field, as that has captured her attention the longest.


I love reading these boards and finding out what interests other people!

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If I weren't a parent, I would be in the mission field. I had always pictured myself working with young girls rescued from pr*stitution in Thailand. I spent a summer in Bangkok, and some of the things I saw there have never left my mind. A woman in the market tried to give me her baby. The child was maybe 6 months old, wearing an oversized, dirty t-shirt. The mother held the baby out and asked me, "Please, please, take. Take to America." I will never forget that baby and the mothers look of agony. I often wonder what happened with that child.

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Well, prekids I was in IT and enjoyed it. I would probably still be there if I hadn't had dd and been shocked to discover I enjoyed being a SAHM.


However - dream job? Medieval History prof... it was my major before I realized that between dh and I, I had better be the one with a marketable degree and changed majors. :D It is still the bulk of my reading though.

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Well, before I had kids I worked for software companies, doing international marketing, localization and graphic design, among other things. If I had not met dh, I had planned to work towards product management. But I really wanted a family, and to be there for the kids, so after I got married I had a plan to figure out a part-time career and did consulting in QA and graphic design.


But, once I had the kids I decided I was 100% happier and more fulfilled being a full-time mom! I had always thought I'd like tutoring, and well, what's better than tutoring my own kids (except that I dont' get paid :tongue_smilie:).


I liked my jobs before, but they were never my bliss. They were a way to pay the rent.


I've been thinking lately about what to do once they've flown the nest (to combat boredom and help pay for what are sure to be hefty college bills). I'm thinking I'd really like to do kitchen and bathroom design. I like working with people to solve problems, and I love the spatial aspect of designing things. I think that would fit my personality much better than the corporate world. And maybe I'll tutor on the side... should have lots of experience by that point!


Now, if I were completely impractical and had never worried about cost or how the career would fit in with the family life I always wanted to have ... I would've gotten a PhD in psycholinguistcs. Fun!

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I was a disatisfied senior government employee when I got laid off during maternity leave per Al Gore's "Reinventing Government" initiative.


A year later I became an adjunct professor, which is what I do now and what I probably would have pursued if I hadn't been redirected. I also was thinking about a small business, which I actually started some four years ago and keep on with.


So I sort of kept on with what I really wanted to do...?

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