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We're starting 6th on Tues and I haven't even begun to plan!!

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This move has sucked the life out of me!  We're supposed to start 6th on Tues and I haven't even cracked open a single book to plan.  I guess I know what I'll be doing with my Labor Day.  I'm just not into it this year, but it could be because we don't have our household goods (another month before they arrive!), so I have no table to spread out on and I don't feel like sitting on the floor.  Blah.  I need a desk.  *Banging head on keyboard*

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You have had a really busy month filled with change. My best advice to you is take him to your library Tuesday morning and check out a few interesting books. We do this every year after we arrive in the US and are waiting for the Rainbow Resource order to arrive. My kids love the library week. Several great curriculum books have actually been found and tried for free by taking my "moving break". A week spent learning about something that interests him could be good fun for him and give you a chance to catch your breath. Plus you will all get to enjoy the holiday! (Meaning Monday) :)

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This is me, too!


However, my problem is not that I haven't cracked a book, but that I don't have books to crack!


I'm still waiting for both DD's 6th grade and DS's 2nd grade stuff to arrive. We just moved a few weeks ago, too. It was an in-town move, but we're still not completely settled.


Sigh. I was hoping school would go much smoother this year, but I guess it was not meant to be. :( We are already starting off behind.

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We had a S L O W start this year for 6th (and 4th) too.  The slowest start we have ever had.  Our official start date was the 6th of Aug. For the 1st week we did math and spelling and a read aloud and a swim lesson daily. The math for dd11 was just finishing up last year's book.  Then the next week we basically did nothing but math and English and reading and some art projects.  The 3rd week we took completely off besides a field trip because of a part time one week job I have twice a year.  So our 3rd week (which was 4 weeks after we started) we finally had a full week of school.  I finally got history and science in.  We haven't gotten music practice back in daily, but we have had a few practice sessions, warming back up. 


So I feel your pain.  I hope you end up having a great year anyway.  I plan to :).   

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Yes it is hard to homeschool when you just moved or during a move. You often can't find the books, basic tools or sometime even a space to do the work. 


I am going through that right now. We just move in July 12 and behind behind behind. Now I have sprained my ankle very badly and on crutches and such. The fours yrs old and the 8 months old are making homeschooling even more challenging. 


My first ES meeting is this Wednesday and I do not have one sample ready and my PE photos and special interest write up... nope! Nothing ready.I am supposed to make sure everything we have done is Standards based blah blah blah.  I;m stressing. 


We have a new ES this year and not sure how much of a stickler she is. 


My first year of homeschooling these kids was just like this : we had just moved into a hotel room. Most of our stuff was in storage. So I utilized basic pen and pencil and made up my own assignments/worksheets and  found the library. We did this for a few weeks until we moved again. 


I try to keep all the books/supplies we are currently in one box and pack them last. So they are in front of the truck when we unload and put those in the right places right away. 

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You've moved already? You moved too soon. I'm going to be in Heidelberg in November! I was going to ask if you wanted to meet up. I think you should have asked my plans first before you moved. Forget what the army says.



Aww, darn it!  We moved on Aug 15.  What are you doing in HD?  We spent 9 years there and it was amazing.  Yes, the Army should check with you before making plans for us!

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