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Exercise Thread ~ 9/1 - 9/7


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I've not done anything. This cold has kicked my booty.

Sorry. Hope you feel better very soon. My daughter has it now. 


Swimming later today. Yesterday's swim was gorgeous. I was getting out of the water right when the sun was setting. 




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How did it go?



I've not done anything. This cold has kicked my booty.

I did great! I had a great time and finished strong. My time was 59.13 which gave a 9.32 mile and I finished 19/27 for my division and 45/78 for women overall.....so, middleish.


Mostly, I feel HEALTHY!! I haven't been healthy in years, so I keep pinching myself to make sure it is true....and Monday, while I was running, it really hit me....HEY! LOOK AT ME!!! I am running and I am HEALTHY!!! Whoa!


I even was able to pull off a boot camp workout last night which included 100 push ups, 50 burpees , and 100 kettle bell swings! Plus other stuff...


Thanks for asking!


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Yay Faithe :party:


I'm still in a routine---I do 3-4 hours of cardio (walking, elliptical, treadmill) and four 30-45 minute Pilates workouts (full body, core/abs, lower body, upper body) each week. I feel strong and healthy :)


My struggle is now fitting this into the academic year schedule with outside commitments! Yesterday I showered in the am, dressed in workout gear, exercised in the late afternoon, then showered again. This morning I'll wash my hair only, then I'll exercise and shower while dd is at ballet from 6-9pm. Tomorrow and Friday will be the same.

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10-Minute Solution - Fitness Ball - actually it's almost an hour. That's just the title because of five 10-minute intervals. 


I did great! I had a great time and finished strong. 


Brilliant and so happy for you! 


My parents just let me borrow their exercise bike so I've been doing that every day then some strength training. Also, we go for a walk after our first 2-3 subjects in the morning to get some fresh air.

Good for you. :)


I'm still in a routine---I do 3-4 hours of cardio (walking, elliptical, treadmill) and four 30-45 minute Pilates workouts (full body, core/abs, lower body, upper body) each week. I feel strong and healthy 

Great job with sticking to your routine. It is so challenging to fit everything in. 


Took a walk this morning. All I can handle.

One of the best exercises. Hope you feel back to normal very soon. 



I ran 5 miles this morning.  It was much cooler, but foggy.  I'm now running in the dark, and with the fog it felt a bit eery.

I remember running in the dark and fog. :) Miss running. 

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Kettlebell this morning.  I managed to hurt my  back a bit.  First time I've done that with kettlebell.  I think it was during the presses.  I think, during the last set I didn't brace my core enough.  I did finish my workout, but left off my Tabata finisher.  Tomorrow is yoga day, and that will make it all better. :) If I can fit it in I will do some yoga this afternoon.  

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Went running yesterday morning - just didn't get a chance to post.  

We were supposed to do 30 minutes straight, but my running buddy was on vacay at the beach last week and didn't get a chance to run.  I only got a chance to run 2 days, too, so we ended up doing 9 and 1 (minutes, running and walking) rather than 30 straight.  Went about 2.5+ miles.  

That's the only day we're running this week besides Saturday - MY FIRST 5K!!!!!!   :willy_nilly:  Mostly because my shins can't handle running two days in a row.  I'm a little concerned about doing it without having done 30 minutes straight before, but I figure even if we have to walk a few minutes over the course of it, we're still doing a 5k!  And then hopefully I'll be ready to run the whole thing on the 14th, when I do the Color Run.   :)


ETA:  The goal is still to try to run the whole thing Saturday.  Just for the record.  ;)  But I won't let myself feel down if we end up not being able to run QUITE the whole time.  

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I did great! I had a great time and finished strong. My time was 59.13 which gave a 9.32 mile and I finished 19/27 for my division and 45/78 for women overall.....so, middleish.


Mostly, I feel HEALTHY!! I haven't been healthy in years, so I keep pinching myself to make sure it is true....and Monday, while I was running, it really hit me....HEY! LOOK AT ME!!! I am running and I am HEALTHY!!! Whoa!


I even was able to pull off a boot camp workout last night which included 100 push ups, 50 burpees , and 100 kettle bell swings! Plus other stuff...


Thanks for asking!


That's amazing.  Congrats!


Mind if I join?  I have some chronic pain issues and I hurt myself a lot, PLUS I gained 20 lbs. I would rather not have on me. :(  So I need to get back into more exercise.  Because of my SI issues, I can't do much twisting, so I can't dance and do some yoga movements right now until that's healed up. 


I just did day...10? of 30DS making changes for the high impact cardio with other cardio moves that are easier on my hip/knee. I do a lot of stretches and general PT type exercises through the day.  I am also coaching boys' soccer and that is the most killer workout I've done in years.  I was hoping to start running again if I can find proper shoes.  C25K again, but really really slow so it's not as high impact on my stinkin knee.  I'm also waiting until it doesn't feel like Hades outside. :p

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Link to new thread. :) 


Quoting everyone so that you're more likely to see this. 


Guess I missed posting this week. 

I did level 1 of 30 day shred. 

Mind if I join? 

Went running yesterday morning - just didn't get a chance to post.  

Kettlebell this morning.  

I'm still in a routine

My parents just let me borrow their exercise bike so I've been doing that every day  

I did great! 

Doing couch to 5k again and finished day 2 this afternoon.


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