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Dr Hive: Ideas about why dd's right side hurts when she breathes?...


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My dd, 21, is a golfer and golfs about every day. About a week ago she woke up with pain under her right ribcage when she breathes. She can't lift her right arm above her head and the pain now radiates from directly under her right breast to around the side close to her spine. It is not extreme pain but just a dull constant ache.


She has been able to putt without pain and do some easy workouts with her trainer. We are probably going to a doctor in the next few days but I'm just not sure what could be wrong. I'm thinking pulled abdominal. I think if it was a rib it would be much more painful. Any experience or with or wisdom about this?

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Yep, a chiro would fix that. Ask around for a good one. They ought to provide information, making it clear you can walk out without an adjustment if you're still not comfortable.


She might consider pilates or something too. The stronger her core, the harder it is for her to slip out of alignment. That's important for anyone, but she's working at something that involves a lot of repetitive movements.

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I thought about gall bladder a bit too. What would distinguish it? Would she have constant pain or would it be more sporadic? Any other symptoms that she may notice?


It comes and goes --- I think there is a way to tie the pain to certain foods and times-- but I don't know the details.


They can do an ultrasound of the area and look at it-- I think there is another test as well (its been years since I had mine removed so the details are fuzzy)  I know my mother-in-law had a bad gall bladder for a year at least and she avoided certain fatty foods because they gave her attacks.

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Could be a pulled muscle. I once thought that I had a hernia and I remember that it hurt when I breathed. I went to the doctor and after talking to him figured out that I probably pulled a muscle when I moved my daughter's dresser to paint her room. I do remember that it took a long time to heal--I thought it would be better in a week or two and I first went to the doctor when it wasn't better by then. He said it would be more like 6 weeks and he was right.

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Went to the doctor yesterday. She was diagnosed with a pulled stomach muscle. They are saying 4 to 6 weeks for recovery and suggested taking an anti-inflammatory of our choice. She is taking curcumin and tart cherry.

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