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Discovery Education Streaming Plus on HSBC


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Does anyone know if Discovery Education Streaming Plus on HSBC has ever made it to the 74% discount? I put down that I'd commit to buying when the discount reaches 65%...I'm not even sure if it will get there. I'm asking because I'm wondering if I should wait to see how low it goes or just commit now.



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So for those with younger children, how worth while is this? Would doing something like Amazon Prime be a better choice, perhaps?


I'm assuming worth buying at the the 75% discount but it doesn't look like it'd get down that low, so maybe a moot point.  I just signed up for the free trial and it seems to have some nice features but I don't have time to truly explore it right now either. The Magic School Bus videos are a nice option, but sure there are other resources for that. Have found some story books we like as well - but again, probably won't get to truly look all over it before it expires at the end of the month or the coop buy is over.

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I signed up for a conditional order and I really, really hope it makes it to the discount I want...we've gotten great mileage out of our free trial.  My kids are on their nearly every day....they've found lots of stuff that interests them.  I have several content folders all lined up for this year.  Again, hope it gets cheaper!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am watching the sale on HSBC.  Current Quantity Ordered: 546; Conditional Orders: 140.  Is the number of Conditional Orders included as the Current Quantity Ordered or is it counted separately?  If it is counted separately, then we are only 15 orders away from reaching the 74% discount.

I am still decideing whether to get it or not.  The video quality is terrible.

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Oh man. I wrote this off because I didn't think it could get more than a 100 orders in a day. I am really torn now as I had talked myself into just doing Amazon Prime instead.


The video quality is awful but my kids don't care. I like some features I have seen but not fully played with. But for a 5yo and 3yo we probably don't really need it. But oh so tempted still as well..... Choices, choices.


Eta: quality awful on some videos and some are fine.

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It made it to the 74% off! I'm so thrilled! My kids love to go through the videos. I'm definitely going to look through those early reader and math series. I think my youngest would like those. I love using the computer to reinforce the stuff we learn, and Discover Education, so far--we've been using the free trial this month--has been a huge hit. My DS(8) used it to do some research for history already. He couldn't stop talking about what he watched. :)


I'm just so psyched that it made it to 74% off. I feel like celebrating.  :party:

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I thought it was supposed to go until 5 pm today as well, but it looks like it's closed. If you haven't ordered and were waiting for today, maybe an email to the folks at HSBC will help (especially if you note that it was supposed to go through today).

I am confused too. I didn't have my purse on me last night and was going to get it this morning. I'm getting the same message. I too thought I had until this afternoon per the website.


eta: and it's back up, yay. :)

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This looks like a great deal  and I am thinking about doing this, BUT...

I had DE a long time ago, before it changed names.  I was very unimpressed by the video quality, actually quite annoyed by it.  Also, there just weren't that many cool videos.

Apparently people really like DE,  could someone please sell me on it?  Why do I need this?



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This looks like a great deal  and I am thinking about doing this, BUT...

I had DE a long time ago, before it changed names.  I was very unimpressed by the video quality, actually quite annoyed by it.  Also, there just weren't that many cool videos.

Apparently people really like DE,  could someone please sell me on it?  Why do I need this?




First off .... I wouldn't say you NEED it ... but .. its got a TON of videos made for children on a lot of topics!


No, the quality isn't the best on some of them, but so far (in just a few days of using it) we have watching a LOT of history related vids, a few science ones, found a few series we love ( Reading Rainbow , Prototype This , Magic School Bus , etc )

My boys LOVE to watch even short vids, it really helps "cement" what we are reading about.


One thing I love so far is there are NO ads, and I don't need to worry about them clicking something totally inappropiate!

You can narrow your searches by grades and or by media type , they have audio only files , and pictures , as well as videos ... some even have Teacher's Guides and or worksheets/tests that you can use as well!


I'm pretty careful (paranoid?) about what I will let my boys use online, but I would be comfortable turning them loose with this site. However I've enjoyed watching most of it myself! .. We are doing ancient history this year and have found a LOT of very age appropiate and interesting videos on anceint egypt!




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I had it a few years ago, and the quality was AWFUL.  Unwatchable.  It hurt my eyes to watch it.  I didn't let my kids watch it, because I didn't want to hurt their eyes.  It gave me such a headache.


I was using it during the free August trial, and the quality is soooooo much better.  Some is still a little grainy, but I remember them being grainy in the original, too.  Made for school TV videos weren't exactly made on cinema-quality film in the 80s.  They're certainly watchable.


I don't know what the problem was, and some people never had such bad quality, but for us the quality has improved immeasurably. 

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We got this. I don't have cable TV at all so this and HULU is TV for us. I have it hooked up to a flat screen TV and I don't think it is too bad... But I have never had HDTV before so it is hard for me to compare.


My son is 3 and there are tons of shows for little ones. His all time favorite is Number Crew. He also likes Math Monsters, Real World Science, A First Look science shows, The language of Science and the Junior shows (Zoologist, geologist etc) Harold Syntax (I think it is called), a few of the standard deviant shows and the Discovering Math and Discovering Language art series' also. There are plenty more that he has not yet seen that I have been screening for him. Rabbit Ears, an animated series about famous people (heroes something?) like Alexander Graham Bell, Benjamin Fanklin and more.


All in all it worked out at about about 40c cheaper a month than Netflix. So worth it for us.

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