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Wondered if anyone else saw this article (linked below) Thoughts?


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I just skimmed the article.  My thoughts.  Homeschooling is right for me.  It was not right for two of my daughters.  They needed something more than just being home with mom all day.  They were learning, but they were not happy and that affects everything: home life, academics.  My older dd went to public high school for 1 year and decided that homeschooling was better than that for learning.  She ended up graduating early and going to college.  My other dd now attends a part-time school which is the perfect mix for her.  If it weren't for that, I would have some serious problems on my hands.


The only way I think saying 'homeschooling isn't for everyone' is classist would be if I were applying it to a certain people or groups of people.  Homeschooling isn't for everyone, but I don't know who that 'everyone' is.  That is for them to figure out, and it's not for me to question their decision.

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Wow. That was a trip! I agree with the commenter that said we don't say "homeschooling is not for everyone" because we want to be classist, we say it to make other people happy. I think it could be for most people, if they wanted to do it....but I don't think it's a good fit for someone who doesn't want to do it. The breastfeeding thing was a bit crazy too. Speaking as a mom who breastfed until the child weaned themselves......it's not for every single mom/baby. There are lots of legit reasons to not do it.

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My thoughts, unfiltered, so be warned............



















Penelope Trunk is full of crap.


If we wanted to talk about the real lies of the homeschool community we'd talk about, "it is really easy", or, "anyone can do it". We'd cover, "it is best for all students", and, "anything you do at home is better than what they are doing at school".


These are the phrases that do a great disservice to the homeschool movement and those considering joining it.

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I really have never thought of that statement in terms excluding people as if I am better than them because I am homeschooling.  I think anyone could homeschool if they had the desire to do so.  However, not everyone should be homeschooling because some people would probably end up in jail because they couldn't handle it.  Or, in my situation growing up, I was never happier than to get out of my house. 


In regards to bfeeding, can everyone potentially breastfeed?  Yes.  However, what about those people who are taking perscription medicine?  How about those who have done it but haven't had enough milk for the baby?  In my case, I pumped.  It worked for me.  That wasn't even good enough for people.  I would still hear, "The breast is best".   



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Her basic premise for the article is wrong. "What does that mean? That you are special because you can homeschool but not everyone is as special as you?" I have seen many times that people who feel inferior like to blame those uncomfortable feelings on others who are "making" them feel that way. She presumes that I feel special for being able to homeschool. She presumes that I feel that people who don't homeschool aren't special. Seriously, my dd could have picked that argument apart in 7th grade logic class.


The statement that homeschooling is not for everyone is not classist in the least. It is merely a statement of truth. Homeschooling is not an appropriate educational approach for all students or all families. Neither is public schooling, parochial schooling, private schooling, school-at-sea-on-a-boat schooling, or any other kind. Children and families vary too much for any one system to work well for everyone.


I personally know families from several different classes that have been very successful with homeschooling and those who have failed spectacularly. It had little to do with "class" and lots to do with numerous other factors.

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Penelope Trunk makes me very uncomfortable. I know she has been diagnosed with Asperger's, and that's neither here nor there, but I'd say that she appears to have a lot of mental health issues in general and she is in an abusive marriage as well. I take her strong personal opinions with a LARGE grain of salt.

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My thoughts? I have enough problems of my own. I cannot burden myself with every possible problem or chip on their shoulder every single person I ever meet may have. 


That's what I think of Penelope Truck in general. Lady, you have problems if you take a phrase like, "well, it's not for everyone" and take personal offense to it. PUH-lease. NOTHING is for everyone, not even breastfeeding. Some babies cannot drink their mother's breastmilk because they will die. That's a cold stone fact. Some babies are better off if their moms use formula and go back on their lithium. FACT. And I say this as someone who was pregnant and/or breastfeeding for nine years straight.

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And you, my dear blogger, are the person who was glaring at me when I bottlefed my low oral-tone DD who physically couldn't nurse (and who, BTW, got breastmilk for 2 full years-and EPing is DEFINITELY not for everyone!). You have to do what works for you-even if it's not the ideal. And I can think of a few families for whom homeschooling is not what works.

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