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The Thankful Post


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Now that I've vented, I feel the need to be thankful for something. Feel free to join in.


Dear AHIMA, 


Thank you for posting the ISBN's of all the required texts so I can get my books from other vendors. Being a single, working mom of a teenager, I was delighted that I could find my A&P text on Amazon used for $5, instead of new with you guys for $80. This makes me deliriously happy. 


Dear Boss,


Thank you for the warm welcome back after my medical leave and for understanding that I'm running a little slowly this week. You're da bomb!



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Dear Dd,


Thank you so much for making french toast for us yesterday morning.  It was so nice to wake up and be exhausted but not have to cook breakfast.  I'm glad that I have such a competent and thoughtful young lady as my daughter.


- Your Mom


Dear Ds,


Thank you for working on my computer every time I freak out about it not working right.  It is nice to have tech support right in the house.  I'm glad that I  have such a cheerful and loving geek as my son.


- Your Mom


Dear Dh,


Thank you for working so hard and for being true to your calling.


- Your Wife

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Thank you for putting up with ungrateful attitudes. Thank you for hanging in there when our aspie-ness rears its challenging head. Thank you for driving us all over this place and not complaining when you don't get to visit places you want to go.


Ds, Thank you for taking videos of our trip, even tho you feel like yuck b/c of your cold.


Dear God,

Thank you that we haven't been killed yet by the unbelievably impatient and dangerous drivers around here.

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Dear Susan Wise Bauer,


Thank you so much for providing these boards!  They have proved an incredible support to me over the years.





You beat me to it--I was coming to this thread to post something almost identical!  



Thank you, Susan!   Thank you for hosting this virtual hangout for us!  Thank you for your books that have made such a difference in the way our homeschool turned out, and than you most of all for your "chocolate chips straight from the bag" post that got me through the early days of switching to a more WTM-style education and kept me from turning into a homeschooling harridan.



Dear Kareni,


It's good to see you again.  I'm glad you still come here.  Thank you for the helpful posts when I've had questions throughout the years.

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Dear coffee, Thank you for fully caffienating my body today after I only got 2 hours of sleep.  I have enough energy to actually get through my to do list.  I love you so much, we will never break up :D

Dear puppy Finn, Thank you for the unconditional love, sloppy puppy kisses, and uber cuteness, you brighten up my whole day even when everyone else is being cranky.  Best puppy ever :)

Dear girl children of mine, Thank you for going outside to play when you were being too cranky for your own good.  You saved my sanity and your lives, you 2 are very very smart and know when mom is going to blow and get out :) You are great kids

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Loving this thread! :thumbup:


Dear Lord: thank You so much for my hard-working DH who always supports me and is such a wonderful, hands-on Dad. :001_tt1:  Thank You for our perfectly un-perfect house and the finances you provide to pay for it every month. Thank You for 3 beautiful, smart, healthy kiddos who are our greatest gifts of all!


Dear ladies of the Hive: thanks for giving support to a newbie and answering all my probably annoying questions. :seeya:  You're the best!


Dear Susan Wise Bauer: I am not completey classical, but thank you for showing me that I don't always have to do the same four subjects every year from the same publisher :001_rolleyes:  You've shown me how to add interest, variety, and depth to our homeschool. Thanks :001_smile:

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