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Found the cat playing with a mouse in the house


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This morning I woke up to find the cat PLAYING with a little mouse by the slider in the kitchen. Mouse got away and ran in/under one of my cabinets. I do NOT do mice......that is why we have indoor and outdoor cats. I will face a 1200 pound horse but not a tiny mouse


Any ideas on how to find and eradicate this critter?  The slider had been open for the cat and dog to get in and out so I am praying that the cat brought the mouse IN the house and that I don't really have mice living in my house.


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:willy_nilly: Bad, bad kitty.


I'd suggest the regular methods of dealing with the unwanted invader, since the cat is going to be no help. 


We've had good results with the Tom, Tom products in our garage.  The most controversial one, bated with peanuts has worked the best for us. 


Please no tomatoes, we've had two get into our vehicles.  One ate something in the wiring and the other one decided to make a home in the air filter.  The first vehicle never worked well again and now I'm paranoid of the damage they can do.  Some dear friends of ours had a family of them eat the insulation and a pipe broke out of the top of their two story bathroom; it flooded the entire living room, bath and family room...In January during a sub zero freeze.

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Currently I have a dead mouse in a spring trap behind my couch. Dh is going to get it out for me today.


We made a deal when we got married. I did all the poopy diapers (providing I was around) and he cares for any mice, bugs, snakes or any other gross/creepy thing around here.

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We had a mouse problem, even when we had cats. One of our cats became friends with a mouse and I would actually see it sitting beside touching our cat. When I would make a noise it would leap up and run away. 




Years later we got pet Rats and our mouse problem (Different house, but same problem) went away. Supposedly mice really hate the smell of Rats and think, "Oh my big scary rats live in that house, I'm not going in."

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my cat came running in with a live baby rabbit a couple nights ago. It was screaming and caused all sorts of chaos until we got it out of the house. So it's possible your cat brought it into your house.


No chew toys in the house, thank you very much!!!

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one time when we ONLY had 5 cats, I walked in the family room to see a mouse sitting up completely surrounded by the 5 cats.  It and they were just looking at each other.  Dh finally went over with a cup , put the mouse in it and took it outside.  Another time I was outside and a mouse ran by chasing my cat (and it was a small mouse).  Another time one of my cats brought a live musk rat into the house, that was a lot of fun lol.    On the other hand, we came home once to blood all over the living room, checked all the cats , none of them were hurt but we  never found out what creature the blood came from


Now with 8 cats, we know longer have mice.  THe word must have finally got out to the mouse community to not come into this house.

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Our cat likes to kill them an leave them as presents where we are sure to find them.


Isn't that charming? Mine likes to shove the bloody little body under our bedroom door. Always so nice to wake up to that.


That's only if she catches a mouse after we've gone to bed, though. If we're still around, she'll play with it and let it go at our feet, evidently expecting us to dispatch it. I think she's being deferential and allowing us the kill. All efforts to convince her that she is, in fact, welcome to send little mousie to the Great Beyond have been in vain.

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