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My grandson is finally here!

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Hi, just wanted to post a quick note that baby Cayden James has finally made his grand entrance (after 32 hrs of labor). He was born Aug. 6th via C-section because his head just couldn't get past her pubic bone and her uterus stopped contractions because it was tired. Anyway...


He weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and length is 21 and 3/4 inches long. Both Mom and Baby are doing fine (although he had a tummy ache all night last night). For those of you who pray, could you all say a prayer for Cayden. My other daughter was diagnosed with Whooping Cough last week and it could be very dangerous for the baby. So far, the rest of us are not showing symptoms. Thanks everyone!

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Welcome Baby Cayden!! Sounds like a nice healthy boy:).


Dd15 had whooping cough (documented by the health dept.) when ds12 was born. He did not catch it, thankfully. I'll be praying for Cayden.


My dd is nearly 15 (later this month) and is also documented by the health dept. What precautions did you take to avoid your son getting whooping cough. Our entire family was put on antibiotics even though the rest of us don't have symptoms. I'm just worried that one of us could have caught it before the antibiotic treatment began, but we just haven't presented symptoms yet. Since our antibiotic treatments are not complete, doesn't that mean we could potentially pass it on? I do wear a mask when I visit the baby, but my oldest daughter (the mommy of the baby) doesn't. Thank you for your prayers.

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I really appreciate everyone's well wishes, good thoughts, and prayers. I am sure this is what he needs to stay healthy. He is a very strong little boy. During the entire 32 hours of labor, his heart remained strong and never showed any distress. He is already holding his head up and pushes away with his feet like he wants to stand on his own.


Bless you all!


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